ID Crisis: Valencia Titan-nerf

ksylves 42

This deck was built for a the Identity Crisis tournament in Colorado on 8/15/15. This tournament was the brainchild of Joe Senart and had special deckbuilding rules: build a deck that is legal for one ID, and then switch to another! This was my runner deck - legal as Chaos Theory but played with Valencia.

Playing an ID designed for 50 cards minimum but getting to have 40 instead has obvious advantages; Blackmail was a constant threat. This deck was largely geared toward derailing the NBN->Titan fast advance deck which, for obvious reasons, was a huge threat.

Besides recurring Clot, this deck also takes advantage of the combo of The Source/Film Critic. If you dump agendas you access on your critic, you avoid paying 3 and The Source stays on the table. Turntable rounds out the FA hate - it's awfully satisfying to swap out something for an AstroScript with TWO agenda counters from the Corp's score area! Film Critic also helps out with other deck matchups: nasty agendas out of Jinteki, Punitives, Midseasons, and damage/tags from Argus.

16 Aug 2015 ksylves

My Corp deck from the tournament is here.