the Awakening Center

Krams 949

Disclaimer: This is not a serious competetive deck.

Actually, it's quite silly. I slapped it together in 10 minutes just to play around a bit with the new HB ID I haven't tried yet and the old Awakening Center I haven't tried yet, because I never took it serious.
What came out is a glacier with no backup plan if you can't find a scoring window, which is actually the greatest problem of the deck. Other than that, it works surprisingly well, getting scoring windows quite often by having ridiculously taxing servers.

Have some fun. Build a scoring remote without a single ETR and when they get through it, throw Heimdall in their face! :D


  • A lot of cheap (3) bioroid ICE that can be rezzed for free if the ID fires. Use these to get some early defense going.
  • A lot of higher cost (6-8) bioroid ICE that can be flung at the runner via Awakening Center and then reinstalled using Howler.
  • A lot of recursion, using Jackson Howard (while I still can), Project Vitruvius and Museum of History, allowing me to reuse Howlers, trashed ACs and trashed ICE, while pulling itself out of Archives (use Jackson on Museum or Vitruvius on Jackson, etc.) to keep going.
  • A recursion-driven economy that relies on shuffling cheap stuff like Green Level Clearance, Lateral Growth, Launch Campaign and Advanced Assembly Lines back in. The deck is actually fine with a very little cred pool and relying on discounts for rezzing ICE.
  • A deck that feels a little bit like playing a Runner. What I mean is that I often find myself drawing or using Jackson to draw or even using Hopper to draw, then playing all those cards and rely on recursion to play them again and again. In testing, I didn't get decked out, even in long games where I've drawn more than 50 cards over the course of the game.

Main Problems:

  • Really efficient breaker suites (like stealth).
  • Runner currents. Probably should include my own :D
  • Setup speed.

Thanks for reading. As always, all comments are welcome :)

10 Nov 2016 lemonwood

I love it

10 Nov 2016 YankeeFlatline

oh man you're just paying the museum for influence, i didn't think you were at 54, that's intense.

10 Nov 2016 CactusJack

@Krams seems very similar to mine...

10 Nov 2016 Krams

@CactusJack Whoops, sorry. I knew I saw the main combo somewhere, but overlooked where it was. Now I feel kinda like a rip-off, since I posted a 90% identical list so shortly after you. I've added you to the derived from section.
Interesting thought on Surat City Grid and Brain-Taping Warehouse.

15 Nov 2016 CactusJack

@Krams I doubt you ripped me off. Yours is much more streamlined. I only have limited testing with mine, and sadly haven't got the SCG+BTW combo off the ground :( I'll keep testing it though.

18 Nov 2016 CactusJack

@KramsI just realized how good Surat City Grid can be with Awakening Center, Howler, Accelerated Beta Test, and Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow. Stupid amounts of chain rezing...