CT/Big Rig/Stimshop - First runner deck, help!

Cmase 8

My first deck! Im new to this and this is my runner deck so far. Obvious interactions for people on this website im sure. Just tutor out icebreakers you need and use stimhack/personal workshop to get things moving faster. Criticisms and tips are more than welcome, as I said this is my first deck and im new to the game but this is working for me thus far. Thanks!

edit: ive taken out feedback filter to put test run up to 3

1 Sep 2015 tiedyedvortex

Not bad for a first deck! You seem to have a lot of strong features here.

This seems to be a variant on the fairly common stimshop archetype, like this fairly successful deck. Comparing the two, this seems to be the most notable differences:

You went with double Siphon, while Selverin used triple Legwork and a Clot. Both are good choices, giving you some strong HQ pressure. Siphon, though, gives you an economy advantage, while Legwork gets you accesses when you need them. Clot is a silver bullet--with SMC and Clone Chip it makes Astrobiotics cry, but it's useless against something like Replicating Perfection.

You are running Feedback Filter, Deus X, and double Plascrete, which is pretty well-rounded flatline prevention. But, it's also four cards that stand between you and getting your full rig up. Selverin only has the one Deus X. This is a personal and a meta call--do you feel comfortable running without Plascrete, or do you need that safety net?

Selverin also is packing both 3x Maker's Eye and 3x R&D Interface. That gives him a huge amount of R&D pressure; combined with his Legwork choice, it looks like he's planning to brutally attack the centrals as his win condition. You don't have that, meaning you are going find yourself breaking into remotes to steal agendas more often.

You also have a LARLA. Why? Do you expect to be drawing through your entire deck multiple times?

2 Sep 2015 Cmase

Thanks! Yeah I looked at his decklist and netdecked a ton before making this. A lot of the cards he runs that I don't I simply just don't own yet and I don't really know my meta yet since I'm new but so far I don't regret the placretes but we'll see. Thanks again dude!

2 Sep 2015 Cmase

also LARLA has been useful. I find I often draw my deck through diesel and quality time and its super useful lategame*