Tag - you're it!

Dumon 2

First Deck I built, and second Deck I upload here.

I have no idea how well it works, as I have played it only once, and that was before the last changes I took on the Deck list. It would need serious playtesting, but I will only be able to play once or twice a week, and it's even likely that I'll play less (e.g. no game at all during the last 2 weeks). So I don't see me getting enough experience in with this deck to hone it better...

...so I'm throwing it to you guys. Maybe you can give me some pointers as to what or how to improve here. I already improved my initial list based on suggestions on BGG, and some other thoughts...

The deck is a little big, and cutting 5 cards would probably help, but I cannot see what to cut. So maybe you got some suggestions there, too?

Oh, maybe as an aside - I do not want to go DAMAGE in any way with this deck. Which is why there is no Scorched in here, nor Dedicated, nor any other measure of that kind...

15 Jul 2014 Dumon

Why would you cut TGTBT and Matrix Analyzer? Invasion of Privacy I can see, and I also can understand the addition of another Draco (combines with Trick of Light), but why TGTBT?

15 Jul 2014 JetBlackJoe

If you're going down to 49 cards (you should), you need to remove some agenda points either way. I'd prefer cutting away on the 1-pointers, so you won't be drawing too many agendas (or giving the runner free picks). This means either removing TGTBT or Breaking News. And I think Breaking News is a more usable and reliable method of tagging in your setup. So taking out 3x TGTBT and adding an extra Breaking News will leave you at 20 agenda points, the minimum for 49 cards.

After that you still need to take out 3 more cards to land at 49. 2x Invasion of Privacy lack focus and seem out-of-place in your deck, being a click- and possibly credit-expensive card that isn't even guaranteed to do anything while having anti-synergy with other cards like Sweeps Week.

That leaves just one card to remove, and I think you can spare a piece of cheap ICE, taking out a Matrix Analyzer. Finally I suggest swapping the final Matrix Analyzer for another Dracō, since Dracō has end-the-run in its subroutine, which Matrix Analyzer doesn't.

Power tokens are not advancement tokens, so you can't use Trick of Light on Dracō though.

15 Jul 2014 herod1204

I personally would be looking at getting rid of Plan B, as I'm not sure how effective it would really be, but maybe I am not understanding how you would play it. At a guess either: 1.) Install it face down one turn, and then advance advance advance the next, bluffing it as a Beale or NAPD (Give the greatest scoring possibilities (Beale, TGTBT, Breaking News, Astro), but looks to be tricky to pull off. Also, it is worth noting, you can't (unless I am barking up completely the wrong tree) overadvance a Beale with it, only score it for it's base score of two) OR 2.) Install advance, advance (which would only allow you to score a breaking news, and the tags would vanish at the end of the runners turn, making it somewhat useless)

Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

15 Jul 2014 Dumon

Hmm. Thank you for your insights, both of you. I thought the same about "Plan B". I recently have begun to dislike "Trap" Asset cards - i.e. cards that you can advance once they are installed, hoping for the Runner to get them. They are even more of a gamble than others are, and if the Runner doesn't fall for them, they are plain useless, and a waste of actions as well as money. For most often they have no function until they are accessed.

On the other hand, Plan B functions very well with "Trick of Light", but then, so does "Ice Wall". The biggest problem I have with "Draco" is that those are Power tokens rather than Advancements. As such, it is perfect to sink money into when rezzing it, if you are in danger of a Siphon. But then, the money is stuck in there. Which is why I opted for only one "Draco".

"Invasion of Privacy" was included as a fixer card, to give me the option to kill off some cards that would be really bad for me! However, I can see it not being the best choice in this deck. So I think I will be getting rid of these two, too.

I am hesitant to leave out "Matrix Analysis", as it provides additional advancement options. In combination with "Plan B", "Trick of Light" and "Ice Wall", this can be really good, as it ultimately can boost a "Beale", or help score one.

The small agendas like "TGTBT" are in here in order to function with "Midseason Replacements". If the runner steals it (and I want him to steal it), not only does it tag him, but makes him available for Midseason also.

Still, I am dissatisfied with the Deck. In the current construction, it seems like it somehow is all over the place. On the other hand, streamlined Fast Advance can be a very iffy one-trick pony, and if it doesn't work, well - your trick's been called... So I think there are too many different cards in the deck. I'd love to put in another "Jackson", but I have trouble cutting as is...

Anyways, thanks a lot for the help so far. I still am at a loss. Might be best if I put this on the backburner, until I have more experience in total. Then get back to it. But if you have more suggestions, any thought is welcome!!!