Monkey Business

Alsciende 1405

At the start of your turn, look at the top card of R&D with Depp Thought. Then run R&D and, if the top card wasn't an agenda, force the Corp to draw it. Fisk's ability works like a free R&D Interface. Rinse and repeat. Then run HQ with Demolition Run for free thanks to Pheromones and trash the Corp's hand. While the Corp clicks like mad to refill his hand, your Gorman Drip v1 is happy.
25 Oct 2013 db0

You seem to give a pretty good incentive on the corp to wipe viruses, which will hurt you a lot. I honestly don't think Pheromones are that useful in this deck because they increase the value of virus wipe. Personally I'd replace them with pure econ like another Kati and maybe a third desperado (you want either of those it early enough)

Also 3x Demo Run is usually too much, because they tend to come too early. It's better to replace one with Same old Thing which is more versatile, and use the influence to add some Surges, as that would allow you to Recover your Deep thought after a wipe.

25 Oct 2013 Alsciende

Dropped Gorman Drip, Stimhack, Mr. Li and 1 DemoRun. Added 3 Surge, 1 KJ and 1 SOT.