"Steal 5 if you dare!" (v2020) - 2/2 Italian KOS 2020

Drager 305

On the verge of a national pandemic alarm for Italy, we gathered for the national KOS (IKOS 2020). I was part of the last-placed team (Mystic Maedunnina) but my decks were quite successful.

The Corp (Sportsmetal) went 2-2, the Runner (Leela) (decklist here) went 3-1 with the only loss being a timed one because a Project Vacheron unloaded the second-to last token in my last turn. If this happened a turn earlier I would've won.

There are 2 types of people when playng HB these days:

Chad vs Virgin

This is no-BS, no combo, just play-the-game-how-is-intended-to-play HB. The Sportsmetal bonus is for tempo / to give you something even if the runner steals your Agendas.

I'll Just highlight some possible plays, even if everything is fairly easy.

  • Install the first Megaprix Qualifier naked, to be in the runner score area. This is a bold move, but that make all the subsequent Megaprix worth 2 to you, 1 for the runner. Better yet, install in a remote that is fairly taxing for the runner but not impossibile to steal.
  • Against a criminal? IP Block is one of your better option. Keeps the turtle at bay!

IP field

the effect of the At-Field IP Block

  • Against an anarch / apex? Keep your Preemptive Action close, and RUSH, bracing for the possibile Apocalypse run. Ash won't save you from it, but a central Border Control can! I started from scrach building after an Apoc with no problems!

Cancelling the apoc

The Third impact Apocalypse. We can rebuild. We are (not) alone!

Wall bouncing

Typical runner reaction when running against a Tyr

  • The worst match-up is against super-aggo runners and/or econ denial crim. Use your best judgement against these, and RUSH. Seriously when everything fails Fast advance 8 points, you have Other tools other than Biotic

Wall bouncing

  • finally, close with the final 3-2 (that can also be a Megaprix Qualifier if they stole one. CONGRATULATIONS!


Aaaand now the reports!

  • Match 1: vs Joke [DIO RUN] 's 419(L) If there's a match-up that this deck fear, it's the cred-denial runner. This was just that, piloted by a seasoned veteran nonetheless. A long match, 3 DOFs landed, closed by a Wheel multiacess. Never found a single Jinja to protect the remote for cheap...

  • Match 2: vs Cetti [Day Job - But was in the no-bye table]'s Kabonesa (W) On the other hand, if the draws are good, the corp is hella fast! Kabo wants some time to set up and I closed as this decks wants to close, with Biotic Labor + 3/2, sneaking an early GFI and another Vitruvius

  • Match 3: vs Mikael [Day Job]'s Apex (W) When I saw the first DDoS, i was bracing for impact of the Apocalypse. The first DDos was to enter a single-iced remote with a NGO Front double advanced. I scored a Remote Enforcement and installed a Tyr. The second DDos was used for the Apoc. It trashed a Vitruvius installed in the well-protected remote. Like a fool I thought that an Ashon R&D would stop the Apoc.. The 2 Preemptive Action are there just for that (and to re-install the Border Control), i rebuild the remote and scored the remaining 5 points

  • Match 4: vs Porkobolo [Cool Pidgeon Blessed in a Little Castle]'s Adam (L) Adam kept me on my toes for all the match, like a pseudo-econ denial. My "pretend-to-be-agenda" cards worked 2/3 time, the third wasn't the charm. He saw the agendas on R&D through Find the Truth before i could find and install them. Definitely a Good match by Porkobolo. As I said in my runner description: Claudio is a great player, a great organizer and a wonderful friend!

Shout-out to my teammates: Francesco, Valeria, Alessandro; guys, we will do better as a team next year!

a biiig Shout-out to @Atien and @Porkobolo:

  • They arranged the venue, and the food during the tournament (it's almost a meme that the Italian tournaments are a food and wine festival with some Netrunner on the side) always with some "extra" (those "frittelle" were out of this word!)
  • They never gave up when there was some teams that faced last minute withdrawal and/or sickness
  • @Atien invented the "no-bye" system that put the bottom 3-team in a sort of "triple threat match" (2 from team A vs 2 From team B, 2 from team B vs 2 from team C, 2 from team C vs 2 from team A) - as the last team we needed it!
  • They kept the score, a tough task considering the no-buy table
  • They arrange dinner for 25+ people
  • They prepared the draft side event in day 2

Was this the last event in Italy before the Coronavirus takes over?