Money is Power

Mash 32

Ash, Corp Trouble Shooter, SEA Source, 3 ways to unleash your mighty economical advantage with bankrupt, trashing programs or plain and simple death of the runner.

3 Jackson and 1 Archived Memories, 2 main ways to play with them, either drop an early SEA Source + Scorched Earth + Trash one useful ressource if able then recycle to still be able to slow or kill later, or, if the runner turtled behind plascrete or decoys and doesn't let tags float, lock out one of your servers with a mighty advanced Ice Wall, a single Commercialization barely refund you, you still behind a lot of time spent with it, the scond however is the rise of the Phoenix, you're back to business, now imagine the third, the fourth even the fifth Commercialization, that's the power of Jackson and Archived Memories and Ash, Troubleshooter and SEA source is how you channel this power.