Pack of Wolves | 1st & Undefeated, VPC Identity Crisis

Nykride 342

This is an identity crisis deck — it's a standard-legal Loup deck, but it's played with Kit) as the ID!

See my corp here.

When working on figuring out the best corps in identity crisis, it was pretty clear that damage was the strongest angle. I was expecting various PE decks and Reeducation combos — and possibly Thunderbolt.

So, this deck is crafted around beating damage decks. It's basically a standard Hoshiko-type value engine, with Lobisomem and a bunch of damage tech. I originally built this at 40 cards, but realized that adding more cards and just playing 3x Price and Moshing felt smoother.

Key card choices

Maw: One of my favorite comfort picks. This card is just so valuable in matchups where you don't know what your opponent is doing, and especially if they're trying to deal targeted damage. You don't have to truly interact, or turn on Oppo, or anything. Just prevent them from winning while you set up.

Labor Rights, DJ Steve, Stoneship: Deals with the damage corps that I (correctly) predicted to be the meta.

Carmen / Num: The point of the killer slot was just to make sure I could always confidently run. I didn't want to spend the influence for a second Carmen, and Num worked out pretty well.

The games

This deck beat bdorf's Ampère PD, CTZ's Reeducation Asa, and Tyrell's Sportsmetal PE.

Thoughts on Identity Crisis

I was expecting the format to have lots of broken combos. But, it turns out most decks prefer to have identities of their own faction, because of inbuilt synergies. Other than damaging corps being clearly the best option (top 5 of 9 in our tournament, should be better once PE rotates), there's a lot of fun stuff that can be done.

This is probably the most fun I've had deckbuilding for a tournament, ever — I'd love to play in more events like this, and I'd encourage other TOs to try out more non-standard formats. It sparks a lot of enjoyable creativity in the deckbuilding process and lets you pull some fun cards out of the binder.

Shoutout to Tak for all the help theorycrafting and deckbuilding, this deck would have been way worse without it.

And shoutout to tzeentchling for being an awesome TO and running this sick tournament!