What is this, I don't even v2

x3r0h0ur 8956

So ignore that this isn't completely refined, I'm using some of the info from the discussion found here: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/1997/what-is-this-i-don-t-even to expand on building this guy.

So, while I removed cyberfeeder, I did add in multiple sources of credits to pay to install breakers, leaving 100% profit from the rez to pay for the breaker. Ice analyzer helps since its free to play and you can face check and still be happy. Sahasrara also has the same benefit.

Omnidrive felt like an obvious include, since a lot of the time with LLDS triggering, 1 credit is all it will take to break (think barriers). Inti feels good for early game if you just need a 0 to install breaker. Cloak adds those 1 of credits as well to make running super efficient, so I also brought in dagger. Dagger also plays well with datasucker. Datasucker leads to parasite, because parasite is great, and it takes 0 credits to get through (if you can sucker it to death). So you'd parasite the back ice, and lose your money/spend it to break the first, then sucker the back ice to death.

Hera was another natural addition when I started putting in Ice Analyzer and rara, which makes installs credit-positive.

Whats next guys?

6 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

Bah, forgot multi access cards. Ok, so R&D int is in too.

6 Feb 2014 Alsciende

I think perma-boost IB would be a boon with him. Approach unknown ice, Snitch peek, spend credit pool to boost Gordian, lose all credits but keep the strength, gain credits on encounter, break subs.

For that to work, you may have to find a way to play Pipeline (irk) or just pack Sharpshooter/Deus X to handle the sentries.

I wouldn't try to LLDS route with him. You're going to have to pay very close attention to your credit pool and the Corp's servers, I don't think you'll want to micromanage your programs as well.

So that's an entirely different route. I'm going to post a derived deck.

6 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

I had pipe line in here, but with datasucker, dagger is a no brainer, and since you need breaking credits, cloak looks so much better, thus leading to dagger. I'm a little worried about MU, and Omni's are expensive...but theres something I feel like I'm on the cusp of 'getting' here.

6 Feb 2014 Alsciende

I like the Dagger + Cloak idea. If FFG gives us more Stealth card, it will be a big theme for Nasir.

I don't really like the Scavenge / Omni-Drive / LLDS idea. That, plus Professional Contacts, plus Sahasrara: you'll bleed to death before you can begin to run. Even more since you don't play Sure Gamble or Modded.

At least, I would play Quality Time / Diesel instead of Professional Contacts to find the necessary pieces. You need a lot of creds upfront.

Also, why Ice Analyzer? I don't see how Nasir benefits more from it than anyone else. Especially since you don't play derez. And it doesn't combo with Personal Workshop!

6 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

Congratulations, you managed to refine your decklist into a worse version of itself :P

Mostly all that Alsciende said (although personally when I said "Cloak", i did mean "Cloak" and not "Cloak and Dagger"). You don't want to be dependent upon the Cloak credits for rezzing, you need them as a failsafe to get through ICE that cost too little to rez. Also, lose the LLDS processors and ICE Analyzers - they don't really make all that much sense, surely you can spend all that space better.

One thing I would consider personally would be running the breakers that buff for the duration of the run - the idea here being to pump them with the money you'd lose upon encountering anyway, thus having those strength boosts be essentially free.

6 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

@Alsciende - Ice analyzer, just spitballing. I actually had planned on putting in crescentus to help it along. Basically its a crutch if you can't find rara. The whole concept is installing the right breaker right as you need it, and the only reason you'd install a new program is if they're rezzing new ice. If they're rezzing ice, you want to be able to mitigate the cost of installing the program as much as possible. Analyzer and rara all do this, while staying aggressive and running. You don't play SG or any burst econ because it doesn't mean anything when you go to run, unless the ice has already been rezzed, in which case you can just take single credits (since the efficiency of the breakers should be set to the ice that was rezz'ed). You don't want anything that stockpiles money really.

@PK - Hah, I definitely think its an upgrade. Cloak and dagger are excellent here, if you disagree, thats fine lol. You only need to spend the cloak credits if you don't have sucker tokens, which you should or you're playing it wrong.

I don't get the appeal of breakers that last the duration of the run, I feel like that is not anything special for him vs anyone else (like IA above).
LLDS might be a bit of the bad johnny in me, but really, anything that launches the ratio of rez cost to cost to break on instant install, is good, and this is THE card to do it...afterall, it does stack.

6 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

Grrr, fine. You made me do the one thing I never wanted to do - publish a decklist built around a spoiled identity. Hope you're happy :D

Here's my take, discuss: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/2020/use-it-before-you-lose-it

6 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

The whole concept is installing the right breaker right as you need it, and the only reason you'd install a new program is if they're rezzing new ice. If they're rezzing ice, you want to be able to mitigate the cost of installing the program as much as possible. Analyzer and rara all do this, while staying aggressive and running

This (the bolded out parts) are where I feel like you might be misunderstanding the strengths of this identity (as I've tried to show in my build). Nasir's ability is actually super-aggressive, because it essentially allows you to use your initial 5 credits much more recklessly/aggressively (say, putting out an RnD interface vs. an iced RnD as action 1, running as action 2) and his ability means that such plays create additional pressure, instead of hamstringing your economy, like they do in other identities.

Because of this effect, I think Nasir is actually the most aggressive of the Shaper IDs we've seen to date.

I don't get the appeal of breakers that last the duration of the run, I feel like that is not anything special for him vs anyone else (like IA above).

Sure it is. Consider the following scenario:

  • unrezzed ICE
  • rezzed Wall of Whateverâ„¢
  • RnD

If you're Nasir, if that ICE gets rezzed, you're spending all your pumpage credits before you get the reset off your ID's ability, thus getting it essentially free. That's something most definitely unique to Nasir, and I wouldn't hesitate to call it a benefit ;)