Koga's Pet Project - IKoS2018 first place

koga 3001

This is the new version of the Asset Spam Sportsmetal I brought to the last Regional, where it failed to perform after showing good results in testing.
This time things went better, going 3-2 after playing vs 4(!) Shapers and 1 Adam. And pople say that at KoS you get to play against a good mix of ids...
This time I really pushed the deck to go wide while still keeping my options open in case I had to stack ice in front of a remote.
It turns out that using Loki on Eula is not bad.

This is the list I brought in the end, and you can watch it being played in 3 different rounds:

Round 3 vs GaijinJess: YouTube

Round 4 vs Ar00nDELL: YouTube

Round 5 vs Saan: YouTube

The idea of the deck is to go fast while keeping a good amount of credits, drawing with the id and installing with Team Sponsorship and AAL. You can end up scoring 2 agendas in a single turn quite often thanks to Ms. Arella's and Mr. Jeeves' powers combined.

Here is a brief description of some of my card choices:

  • The pet project is likely one of the weird cards you can notice in the list. Almost nobody plays it, but in this deck it does a lot of work.
    You can think of it as a 4th TeamSpon.

  • Ash is always good, but even better against people who think you are setting up for the big combo turn and don't expect it.

  • Sometimes you can go half-combo with the 1 copy of both BBG and CaliTesting, but most of the times they simply end up being nice cards that can speed you up or save some credits.

  • DBS is NUTS in this deck, as it can often trigger on the opponent's turn when they steal something.

  • EBC was the last minute include of the day (props to my teammate Berzelius), and it tends to get you the good assets: DBS and Rashida, but it's definitely worth to get Jeeves and Team Sponsorship depending on the board state. It also really helped against Indexings (sorry GaijinJess :P). It should be said that rezzing Jeeves for 1$ can really make the difference in the first couple turns as you're often kind of poor.

  • Loki, Eula and FC3 as the big Remote Enforcement ice. Loki+Eula remotes are REALLY good. If i could go back I would maybe swap the 3rd FC3 for the 3rd Gatekeeper to lower the overall cost of ice, but I'm not 100% sure about it.

  • No big Biotic, I like the small one more. It's rare to see the runner get 4 Agendas, and even though at 3 you get a click more, 6$ is usually a bit too much money to pay for a score. Plus, it can get trashed.

This deck lost the last 2 matches of the day, one against Ar00nDELL in a pretty tense match (played perfectly by him) with his Pawnshop Hayley, the second against Saan's Adam deck (probably the best player in Italy right now), but I'm very happy with how it performed.

EDIT: watching the replay of the 4th round I noticed I didn't take the 3$ from the first Rashida and now I feel really bad, the game might have been very different with those + an additional AAL trigger, but what's done is done, and my opponent still played really well.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

p.s. Huge thanks to Darta again for the wonderful event, all the players I faced and all the ones I didn't get a chance to play against, getting 52 players all together in Italy is definitely not something we see all days.

Thanks to Late for the recordings.

p.p.s. Here's my Runner list (top crim of the event). Enjoy!

Always be Running

~ Koga