Hotel Triunfo

Alyss 23

Yet another Agi list. Agi is probably bad, but I love playing Agi.

With the death of Nanisivik Grid, our options for Agi are either to put together the Loki + Trieste meatgrinder, or to play a more general purpose glacier. This deck is a stab at the latter, taking inspiration from james123lui's list.

Our core concept is to get Anansi installed and rezzed somewhere (using Divert Power if necessary), then to attach as many copies of Rover Algorithm as possible and make the runner bump into it as often as possible. Daily Quest can provide a juicy target, though losing it too often is going to hurt our economy quite badly. Thus, we use Code Replicator to force additional encounters with our greedy, greedy spider.

This list lacks the late-game lock that Agi's recent iterations have trotted out, and it likely greatly worse because of it; the runner can crunch their economy to break Mr Spider if you let them. Hopefully Seamless Launch and the general grind of the deck will be enough to keep them away. Try it yourself and let me know how it goes.

8 Mar 2023 valerian32

I came here because of the name and I wasn't dissapointed.