HyperFaust (1st @ Northampton Store Champs)

Circadia 2797

This deck carried me and my middling Blue Sun deck all the way to first place at the Northampton Store Champs. I lost the first game with it mostly due to forgetting First Principles (lock the remote before R&D), and then went undefeated for the rest of the day.

The loss was to Foodcoats. Wins were against Biotech Grail and 2 NEH Fastro in the Swiss. In the cut I beat the same NEH Fastro from Round 4, then played against 24/7 NEH which sadly ended in a forfeit after my opponent created an illegal gamestate which was impossible to rewind. My opponent, the ever-gentlemanly Ben Tate, offered to forfeit due to the mistake, despite my protestations.

Finally the deck had to face down UK National Champion Alex White's NEH Fastro TWICE in the final to come back from an earlier Corp loss (to Alex, no less.) The first game was won mostly due to dumb luck (pulling a Fast Tracked Astro from hand on the first HQ run) and some more good accesses on R&D. The second game was a little fairer but some good hits with Indexing and Legwork, whilst maintaining a constant clot threat, were enough to shut down the Astrotrain and win. I consider this revenge for Alex's epic 9 point Indexing/Makers Eye run at last year's Nationals.

In summation, Kate still beats Astro, Voicepads or no. Flexible rigs are the best!

MVP: gotta be Hyperdriver. There's nothing like staring your 4 click turn with 3 extra cards and credits than before

Final thought: Notoriety is such a crutch. Both times I went for it I randomly pulled a point from HQ or R&D. I'd still play it though, if only for the look on their face.

24 Feb 2016 y.pro

This deck is dope. Feels really nice to pilot.

27 Feb 2016 miaxari

I'd like to play this but I'm interested: how do you have enough memory for Hyperdriver?

29 Feb 2016 Raynor

Thank you so much, Circadia, I won Saturday's hungarian SC with this deck. I got blown up in a previous tournament so I went with: -1 Notoriety, -1 Quality time, +1 Plascrete, +1 Film Critic, +2 R&D Interface to a total of 48 cards.

Won 4 of 4 games, won 3 of 4 with the perfect BootCamp Blue Sun Glacier of bblum. Kudos to you as well once again! I beat 2 RP, 2 NEH for the playmat. First RP was beaten easily, Indexing and an Interface won me the game. First NEH: turn 2 plascrete stopped plan A and turn 3 clot stopped plan B for the corp, two Maker's eyes for 4 won me. Second NEH: Clot and maker's eyes for 4 won me, even though my ProCon got bounced once with Archangel. Second RP with Grail, against our city's notorious No.1 player: Film Critic won me the game, disabling a NAPD and a Future Perfect. The corp got really shitty Ice distribution in the first turn as a Crick wasn't going to stop me on R&D. Then an Assassin came, but every two turns I could afford 4 cards and an Indexing and access two got him.

Indexing was king, headfirst indexing click 3 is awesome with 1 interface, leaving click 4 for either reconciling or winning with double access. Legwork was not so important, Atman and Mimic was unused. LEVY was fired once, Scavenge was needed twice. Astrolabe, Hyperdrivers, Daily casts, ProCon and SMC are bread and butter. Plascrete and Clot make you not lose, while Interfaces, Maker's Eye, Parasite make you win. Film Critic was pure gold and gave the needed reach when encountering problematic agendas. Ladies and Faust did work, CYCYs were perfectly enough, Sharpshooter saved me twice.

To be honest, ProCons were had in starting hand 4 out of 4 times :D Hyperdrivers were played every game without memory issues and usually gave a burst of 3 credits and 3 cards for a click.

29 Feb 2016 rwknoll

Looks really neat, and I'm curious to see how it fares for me. I second the question about Hyperdriver. Do you use it for faster setup? Use the clicks to rapidly install some breakers from hand before running? What's your general strategy with the card?