Consume Loup (1st at Holy SC)

jan tuno 3863

This is the Loup deck i brought to today's Italian SC, where it went 4-0. It's a very standard Loup deck with Friday Chip for infinite Imp, Engolo + Botulus as basically your breaker suite, and Consume + the companion suite for long-term survival.

Your plan is to pay just enough attention to the remote so that the Corp won't steamroll you, then pick the weakest central and go for as many Imp runs as you can. When necessary, Rebirth into Omar and keep at it until you win.

You usually lose because the corp is too fast and you don't set up in time. In fact, the deck probably wants a couple Gachapon (which I completely missed during deckbuilding). PD can race you, Spombo can beat you if you're not patient enough.

Hippo is very good and it pays to be aggressive, but remember that it's your main tool to get your virus supply chain back online after a purge, and sometimes you should save it for that.

Thanks to my opponents for the nice games 💕

Replays: Round 1 ~ Round 2 ~ Round 3 ~ Round 4

17 May 2021 @Bookkeeper

It's so nice you've posted the replays as well! Means a lot with such builds that are not easy to understand. Resembles Khumalo a bit and seems to be as hard to pilot.

What would you cut to add Gachapons? I guess you'd need two of them?