Leaky Hoshiko (Ban List Legal)

Baa Ram Wu 2202

Are sick of being hosed by CtM? Do you never seem to have enough clicks to trash all those RP assets? Do you keep dying to Punitive City works decks???

I made this deck to counter some of the aggressive corps that the New Ban list has created.

This deck is ‘Leaky’ because it’s all drip and Taps (if only I Had the inf. for Padtap too!!!) - your card draw, money just come flowing in leaving you enough clicks to run multiple times and clear ARES tags.

Card choices:

TapWrm in Hoshiko makes a lot of sense as you want to challenge centrals early. Think of it as a card that costs the Corp 3 full turns while you get your engine set up.

Gachapon is value in this deck - pulling you rezeki a for free early on or finding your one of virtual cards (Ice Carver, Hunting Grounds and Dreamnet) and installing for cheap - can also give you access to an instant TapWrm after a central run!

Hoshiko, Dreamnet and I’ve had worse is all the draw you will need to efficiently draw through your whole deck - then rebirth into your choice of target (Alice is my common choice)

Fencer fueno is v. Strong against asset match ups and helps steal Bellona’s. Taka is there to make sure you get Keiko value in the late game against Glacier.

Hunting grounds is OP right now and shouldn’t be cut for any reason.

Citadel helps against punitive matchups and Tag Storm Argus/CtM

It’s 46 cards. Cut 1 keiko if you are a perfectionist.