Hannibal Lecter v.2 (Red Dragon)

greyfield 3917

The doctor will see you now...


Hannibal Lecter is a lockdown Criminal deck built around using Iain Stirling's drip and Eater-fueled Siphon abuse to cripple the Corp's economy after they score their first agenda and fund repeated assaults through the Keyhole. In that way, it plays not all that differently from my briefly-infamous Leela Vendetta deck, which also played the Siphon abuse game and also was poised to strike the moment the corp scored their first agenda.

Here, your goal is to build up your core assault pieces through the first few turns, letting the corp get complacent and start setting up their scoring remote. Use Bank Jobs and (if you must) clicking for credits to fund Logos, and pry certain high-cost assets/upgrades (campaigns and SanSan City Grid) off the board or at least force the corp to rez them. Your goal in this stage is to get yourself ready to land an Account Siphon the moment you smell weakness. Often, that will be immediately after the corp has scored their first agenda and started Iain Stirling's big drip rolling.

Logos plays a small but key role in this drama by further enhancing your agenda at the very moments where the corp hopes to start pulling away. You want to use it to further fill up on Siphons and Vamp, get your core combo pieces of Eater and Keyhole, or (if need be) get certain exit-strategy cards like Deja Vu and Paper Tripping (vital against Resistor).

Once you've landed the first Siphon, keep pounding the corp until you're flush and they're bankrupt. At this point, thanks to Iain's ability, you make credits literally twice as fast, at a click-per-credit rate, than the corp can. Pour that money directly into the Keyhole, pounding it over and over, and using Crescentus, Emergency Shutdown, and Inside Job to keep the corp poor and exposed.

One key difference between Hannibal Lecter and other Keyhole decks is you have little interest in picking up one or two agendas early, since that would turn the drip off. Try to stay below the corp in real agenda points (while getting ahead in virtual points in archives) as much as possible. There are games where I've managed to make 30+ credits from Iain simply by dragging out the game and never relinquishing control or taking the lead too soon. Eventually, Keyhole will put the corp into the decking danger zone, which is the perfect time to land the haymaker of an Archives run + a Legwork for the agendas piling up in hand + an Inside Job (with a Femme on the inner ice) on the desperation scoring server.

If this sounds straightforward, that's because the deck is pretty easy. The biggest pitfalls come from making Siphon runs at the wrong time, enabling your opponent to "lose" all their money before you can take it, or blundering into a blowout card like an Archer without a safety net. Deja Vu can do some of the work of picking up key pieces you lose like the Keyhole, but you want to avoid those errors at all costs. And if you fail to apply enough pressure in the early game, it's possible for certain corps like HB to build up enough of a money lead where they aren't as afraid of your abuse. (And don't forget about Crisium Grid.)