Armand ''Geist'' Runner

tantale 93

Geist has traditionally been associated with the cloud/trash breakers, that require Levy AR Lab Access. With the new restricted list, this means that Film Critic and Employee Strike are unavailable, which makes some match-ups really hard. The idea of this deck is to use Geist's ability to set-up really fast. An Andy of sorts.

Trashable cards include:

That's 18 cards, so potentially 18 draws throughout the game. With Trope, you can recycle even more cards.

There are also 3 Off-Campus Apartment. With 22 connections, that's another enormous draw engine here.


Drip economy with Underworld Contact. Geist starts with 1 link and Sports Hopper and Dean Lister can bump it to two. I decided not to include a Forger because I feel that I need the MU.

Calling in Favors can easily give you a 10+ boost. There is also one The Supplier, which lowers the install cost of some of the pieces and also allows you to differ the install next turn (so that you draw one card at the beginning of your turn).

Tech Trader and Fall Guy can give you a lot of money. I count Dean Lister and Maxwell James as economy.


Two breakers of each subtype. No AI (might want to change that). Sneakdoor Beta is always a good surprise. One Trope to recur some of the best econ. With Maxwell James I can be more aggressive with central-only breakers.


Spy Camera ensures good R&D accesses. The Gauntlet improves the HQ quality.

Some tech

Film Critic to avoid stealing. Scrubber for asset spam. Political Operative for nasty assets and upgrades.
