Subsea Insider Trading

Diogene 4464

Make the runner regrets scoring agendas. This is somewhat similar to the good old Game Changer.

Game plan : get rich and score agendas from hand at mid game.

Mulligan plan : Hyperloop Extension or ices in hand.

Feed Hyperloop Extension to the runner, get paid to slow them down.

With Nightmare Archive and Meridian, there are possibly 6 negative agendas points! All those will give you moeny (with Stock Buy-Back) or make a central (usually HQ against criminals or R&D otherwise) very costly to breach (with Giordano Memorial Field).

Every agendas can be scored from hand. If the runner does not run the Hyperloop Extension, you can score it at not cost to you!

Endless EULA will cost a lot to the runner economy. Loki act as a 4th Endless EULA.

Drafter is just there to make the runner install a killer. If it fire once, it is awesome.

Thule Subsea: Safety Below naturally slows down the runner. This will give you the time to setup and protect yourself. With Sprint and Spin Doctor, you should be able to make your hand safe.
