The Persephone Deck of My Dreams

Mancini 62

Are you sick and tired of winning?


Do you have an insatiable urge to get your JNet winrate below 10%?

(why the hell would I want to do that?)

Then look no further than this deck!

("listen can you stop I don't want to—")

As a dedicated acolyte of the Cult of Jank, I've always wanted to make a Persephone deck that actually works. My efforts were usually in vain...until our lord and savior NSG released Parhelion. Bankhar is an incredible tool that help the Persephones actually fire without anything too nasty happening. Combine it with Pelangi and Raindrops Cut Stone, and now you're cooking with gas.

Peace in Our Time is quite useful to get enough cash to get your Persephone "rig" in play, and giving the corp money to rez ice doesn't matter as much since you'll Bankhar through whatever they rez anyway. I'm running 3x Buffer Drive to try to lessen the self-milling from the Persephones, Bankhars, etc. Buffer Drive also functions as a poor man's Simulchip in terms of recharging Pelangi. Zer0 was a pretty obvious include since I already was running Buffer Drive. I imported 3x DZMZ Optimizer because of how memory intensive this deck is (Why FFG...why did you have to make Persephone cost TWO MEMORY), and you can get a decent bit of value off of the discounts. Bin breakers are mainly a backup for when you need to get into a server NOW and are good trash fodder.

The scary thing is that I've actually been having decent results with this deck. I can routinely get 2 Persephones up, and Bankhar is crucial to the deck in so many ways. Bankhar and bin breakers keep you from getting rushed out, and you can simultaneously get tempo through Raindrops Cut Stone. I feel so bad for the guy who had 18 cards milled by me when I repeatedly slammed into his Data Ward...

Get out there, play some jank, and make the NBN players regret using Endless EULA.

8 Jan 2023 Two_EG

...double Persephone means double mill?!

OK I'm joining this jank

8 Jan 2023 Mancini

If you think that's crazy, imagine TRIPLE Persephone. Mwahahaha—wait, how did the corp score out already?

8 Jan 2023 Diogene

You had me at "cult of jank".

Instead of DZMZ Optimizer and Pelangi, why not go full Egret and Botulus.

Then, you could push further and use Chastushka with Persephone to mill an amazing amount of cards in one go. Who need Buffer Drive when you can have Poison Vial and Asmund Pudlat.

For draw, I would suggest Zenit Chip JZ-2MJ, with a DreamNet. That should give you a nice amount of draw each run.

Decking the corp is an archetype that I really like. It is so satisfying when it can be pulled off.

Thanks for sharing!

8 Jan 2023 Mancini

What would the point of Botulus and Poison Vial be?

11 Jan 2023 Radiant

Just so you know, Pelangi doesn't work with Persephone's mill ability because its paint ability will have worn off by the time you pass the ice; it would no longer be a sentry if it weren't one originally.