Comet Smoke

JAK 376

Been having a bunch of success with this after two years off Netrunner. After a couple of months back, have this together.

Basically: a Comet Cantrip deck also propelled by a Net Mercur engine, with additional card-draw from Beth.

Tinkering and Net Celebrityare flex slots, as is Beth (but she's really good), but I don't think you can go below 27 events.

No-one ever expects Inside Job from Smoke. It's surprisingly good tech. Two Levys are needed -- you'll use the second one rarely, but being able to lose it to Ark Lockdown helps.

Skorpius is, unsurprisingly, a hard match-up, but Tinkering+Inside Job+Dai V just about get through. Sometimes.

Quick, fun, and straightforward.