Iron Meidan 1.0

Okram 7

This deck strategy is quite simple: get PW on the table, charge it with everything you can, use Nasir's ability and Stimhack to save a huge amount of money, then run hard with multiple interfaces.


Diesel: you need PW to make this thing work.

Quality Time: seriously, you need it bad.

Scavenge: reload counters on Lady, allow you to change Cyber-Cypher selected server, works well with Test Run.

Stimhack: save you big money with either SMC or PW. Even without them, too.

Test Run: helps you find your breakers, or Snitch.


Box-E: Nice MU bonus, good for your brain damages.

Clone Chip: Classic use here. Get your stuff back.

Feedback Filter: Jinteki is pretty popular.

HQ/R&D interface: when you don't buy them the hard way, that's awesome.


Katie Jones: fill her with credits and take them mid-game, when you can avoid to lose everything on a cheap ice, in order to pay for your multiples runs with interfaces up.

Personal Workshop: you don't want that.

Professional Contacts: get some credits when you dig for PW.


Lady: much better than Corroder in this deck. With Scavenge, Test Run and Clone Chip, you will never run out of counters.

Cyber-Cypher: really nice and cheap decoder. The drawback is almost never an issue, since you gonna hit mostly one central server, depending on what interface you got. Then use Scavenge when the corp has stack too much ice to change the target.

Torch: when you get tirred of CC.

Garrote: good killer breaker, get it with either Stimhack on SMC, or Test Run and Scavenge.

Sharpshooter: prevent your stuff from being wrecked.

Deux X: prevent yourself from being wrecked.

Femme Fatale: your joker against a lot of annoying ices.


Magnum Opus: main economy card with Katie to pay for your runs.

SMC: nice with stimhack, nice with Nasir.

Snitch: really helpfull informations gatherer.


Draw until you get PW and a lot of programs/hardwares on it. Use Nasir's ability and Stimhack to get them on the table. Use Snitch to get informations, and know where to run.


Set your breakers suite, get as much interfaces as you can. Start to run for 2-3 cards per access. Reload credits with Katie and MO.


Just read the last paragraph. If you are not looking for the last agenda at this point, something went wrong.

Thank you for reading, any comments are welcome!

25 Mar 2015 dogstew

A+ name.