Good bye to Blackguard

UncannyCola 8

Help would be great on this, i have been moving cards around it for a while but it never really feels right. it was supposed to be a tempo control deck and it always feels like the tempo is way off

1 Jul 2015 therealwarrior

Please explain how you play both Leela's and Blackguard's abilities.

Same for Au Revoir with Blackguard :-) .

You have no tutor to fetch your third Au Revoir out, so your economy cannot consistently be strong fast enough. Maybe some card draw abilities?

No Crescentus so your Blackguard can work several times on the same expensive ICE? You have Emergency Shutdown, but what if HQ is locked?

Do your Ice Analyzers give you so many creds? Again, no Crescentus or other one-shot program to use them in mid or late game.

Special Order to bring your Mimic in play when needed?

Your economy is click-intensive, but you need your clicks to charge Crypsis. If you have so much , why don't you use Data Folding?

That's what I see at first glance, but I guess some other players will see more precise things :-) .

1 Jul 2015 UncannyCola

For Leela's and Blackguard it works very well for shutting off there ice one snitch turns it on. As for Au Revoir and Blackguard its another synergy with the Snitch Blackguard combo.

The card draw would be the Lawyer Ups and Mr. Li but it could probably use more. The Ice Analyzer could be cut for sure but they are for getting your Snitch and Au Revoir out without hurting the eco of the deck as much seeing as how Crypsis eats creds.

I'm also not running Crescentus/Data Folding because at full rig the deck uses 6 out of 6 Mu and if HQ is locked then you have had bad draws or let the corp get out of control.

1 Jul 2015 UncannyCola

Also Thank you for the comment :D

1 Jul 2015 therealwarrior

You shut the ICE on, sure, but what about Leela's ability to remove unrezzed cards? And how do you say Au Revoir when every single server has its first ICE rezzed? You cannot expose rezzed cards.

True for Mr. Li, I didn't see him. But you have only two. About Ice Analyzer, Snitch is only three creds worth, and you install it only one. And Au Revoir is worth one. Consider replacing your Ice Analyzers by some Daily Casts, Dirty Laundries or even one (or two if you free some influence) Lucky Find.

If you play Data Folding, it would be instead of Au Revoir. And then you would have plenty of :-) . Anyway, more derezzing cannot be wrong.