NBN: Trojan Cookie v1.0 [SG]

easterncalculus 763

Basic System Gateway NBN deck.

  • Main aim: tag the runner. Orbital Superiority, Tomorrow's Headline, Public Trail, AMAZE Amusements, Pharos, Ping and Funhouse are all ideal for this. Supplemented with our 2c or card draw for each time this happens is enough, but we can get more out of this with some...
  • Tag Punishment. Orbital Superiority can easily flatline the runner if the timing is right (but difficult to pull off). Predictive Planogram is probably worth keeping in your hand until the runner inevitable floats a tag. And make sure to trash any resources they have if there are no urgent matters at hand. Finally, Retribution allows us to combine this with...
  • Rig-trashing. Not satisfied with simply tearing down the runner's resources, Retribution and the single gearcheck Ballista let us pick at their hardware and programs.

There are two main ways this deck can go:

  • The runner avoids taking tags. This leaves them slow and easy to predict, they will avoid running last click and always pay off any tags they do take keeping their action and credit economy in check. This can be taken advantage of with Seamless Launch allowing us to sneakily never-advance into scoring 4c agendas in a single turn. Even if they started like this, they may eventually transition into...
  • The runner goes tag-me. This should be fun. Most of our defences will stop working against the runner in this case, but that's where the tag punishment comes in. Ideally trashing their fracter or decoder will lock them out of some critical servers thanks to Ping, Palisade and Whitespace, and pulling the plug on their economy can also help. Ideally, this is when you can take your time to safely nuke them from space.

Note that even if the runner is careful to avoid tags, cards like Public Trail, Orbital Superiority and technically Send a Message allow the corp to assign tags outside of the runner's turn. In these cases, it's possible to fire off some quick tag punishments before they have a chance to respond.

Since this deck is weak on ice (and many are porous, like Ping and Funhouse) be sure to use Spin Doctor to get rid of agenda cards at critical points in the game before defences are fully erected. Later in the game, this can be used to get Seamless Launches or Predictive Algorithms back into your deck.

I recommend scoring agendas behind a Scary Lighthouse if possible. Ballista exists mainly as a rare gearcheck.

Multiple AMAZE Amusements cannot be rezzed at once but can absolutely be stacked on servers to slow down or steer the runner away - notably R&D where careful runners may decide to wait and save up the 3c to trash it before running.