Break for Free

Stonewick 132

Hi! Thanks for checking this out!

So the premise of this deck is that the best price to pay for breaking ICE subroutines is 0. As I'm sure you know, the code gate breaker that lets me do that is Yog.0. However, code gate stops Yog.0 in its tracks. So to get by, you've got to use The Personal Touch on Yog.0. Hence, you need to touch your yog.

Finding Magnum Opus is a priority, you rely on it for econ. Also works well when you find vamp to make the corp poor.

Spooned is nice to kill ICE with, since first piece you encounter is going to be a code gate.

Femme Fatale was included because its just good, and the deck has multiple ways of getting her out cheaper. Test Run+ Scavenge or Code Siphon helps getting out Femme Fatale for less. She also serves as my sentry breaker if the need arises. The interaction between The Personal Touch number 2 and Femme Fatale was interesting as well. Saves a little bit of money, and you wouldn't need to put Yog.0 and strength 5 in most cases anyways.

If you do encounter ICE that Yog.0+The Personal Touch cant break, Cyber-Cypher is the other option. Breaks ICE very cheaply. In most cases, I install my first Cyber-Cypher on R&D (priority) and the second and third are situational. I generally wait until I need to apply pressure to a particular location to drop a Cyber-Cypher on a server. If I need to re-locate a Cyber-Cypher, Scavenge does the trick.

I added 1 Paricia simply because I expect to see a lot of RP and my main opponent primarily plays RP. It helps relieve the cost of asset trashing and if I run out of it can be installed over for minimal loss.

Net Celebrity's extra credit is nice, but is mainly just included to remove ELP or Cerebral Static (which essentially makes Kit useless).

My main problem with the deck was that once the corp started double icing servers I found it very difficult to find answers to respond to that. As a result, I sometimes play too aggressively and end up flat-lining. I'd really appreciate any feedback on the deck.

11 Jun 2015 esutter479

It appears that you might be a bit strapped for MUs if you find that you want/need everything out on the table. Perhaps -1 Maker's Eye for +1 Cybersolutions Mem Chip might be a prudent transation?

11 Jun 2015 TheBizarreBioroid

Net Ready Eyes could be an alternative to The Personal Touch. It gives your plascretes some purpose vs non-scorch decks, can help your other breakers too and doesn't have the personal touch's timing/fragility problems (you need yog installed first and lose the personal touch if yog is trashed).

Is Net Celebrity to counter corp currents? I'd consider swapping one of them or the Paricia for a second Lady (takes a load off Scavenge and reduces Blacklist vulnerability), as you should have more than enough money to run and trash assets with MO. Perhaps 1x Paricia and 1x Net Celebrity could become 1x Lady, 1x Same Old Thing- the more spoons the better.

18 Jun 2015 Stonewick

@esutter479 Yes, MU has been an issue while playing this deck. I'll have to try your suggestion. I already have the R&D multi- access anyways. @TheBizarreBioroid Yes, quite a few people have mentioned Net-Ready Eyes instead of The Personal Touch. I probably will make the swap, I just hadn't initially since when I first made this deck, my FLGS hadn't received the shipment of Chrome City. Yes, Net Celebrity is to counter corp currents, primarily ELP or for the possibility of facing Cerebral Static. I've never found myself in need of more Cerberus "Lady" H1, although the people I primarily play against typically play RP and Making News. I will definitely try adding Same Old Thing instead of Paricia.

Sorry about the very delayed responses, real life slightly got in the way.