Companion Killer [NBN]

jan tuno 4068

I decided I would be making four Game Changer decks before rotation, just for fun. I ended up making three good decks and one mediocre deck, which really impressed me. They are somewhat tough to pilot but also really really fun.

This is the NBN version of the deck. It is a classic Haarp deck that aims to install a couple agendas per turn so you can trade fairly with the Runner. The trick is, once some agendas get stolen, you can play your Stock Buy-Backs and score a big Project Beale with Game Changer.

Your Quantum Predictive Models are extremely important and you should always try to put them behind a Data Raven (or two, if your opponent is playing Hunting Grounds). They give you that small edge that helps you survive as you inevitably start leaking agendas from central servers. There is some tag punishment beyond that, but I'm not really sure the Psychographics is worth it since the deck is not very rich and also not very taxing, so it has some problems making tags stick. Some people really don't want to take those News Teams however, and can you blame them?

This is definitely the weakest version of the deck. There might be something I'm getting wrong in either deckbuilding or piloting, but it really feels hard to make it work. It still hovers around 40-50% winrate however, so it's not a complete disaster.

The Project Junebug is here just for funsies. Supercharge it with Slot Machine. It's important.