Unbreakable Mother Goddess (experimental deck)

Devet 20

An experimental deck built around the two most unusual properties of Mother Goddess:

(i) Mother Goddess has no Barrier, Code Gate or Sentry subtype when no other ice is rezzed; and

(ii) Mother Goddess bolsters NEXT ice.

The key point of this deck is its alternative potential win condition - to have one MG rezzed on each central server, and nothing else. This will make successful runs absolutely impossible using fracters, decoders, and killers. This "soft win condition" can be accomplished with a combination of Levy University and Isabel McGuire, with Precognition significantly increasing the odds of pulling it off.

Generally, only install the NEXT ice on a central server at the very beginning of the game. It's better to layer it on your agenda server, to maximize your chance of rezzing a lot of NEXT ice at once. Of course, any rezzed non-MG ice will have to be McGuired back to HQ as soon as possible. Also consider using NEXT ice to protect Levy University or McGuire, and there's a decent chance the Runner will leave them alone entirely.

Data Mine is for stopping Inside Job without giving MG any of the three basic subtypes, and Swordsman is for stopping AI-heavy runners. If Femme Fatale is installed to bypass an MG, McGuire it back to HQ and reinstall to make it unpassable again.

I'll be very interested to try this once I get my copy of Upstalk.

11 Jun 2014 scifor

But MG is unique. you cannot rezzed on all three central server.

11 Jun 2014 Devet

Ah, gotcha. Never mind!

11 Jun 2014 Devet

I only saw the NetrunnerDB text, which didn't seem to indicate that it was unique.