Prepaid Power Glove

drmastodon 101

I love the Power Glove... it's so bad.

So far this deck has been working well in testing, and has a good win percentage.

Hardware, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Observatory

Having Tyson Observatory to tutor gives me an effective 3 copies of Comet, Net-Ready Eyes and Plascrete Carapace at the expense of 3 clicks to find and install any of them. I don't mind the click cost as the ability to spam events once Comet is installed makes up for it. The Power Glove just lets you do all sorts of hijinks in a PPVP Kate deck.

These are the break(er)s:

Possible changes:

24 Jul 2015 Kasusfactus

I think that dropping one Datasucker for a Stimhack would be quite good. Stimhack gives you credits out of nowhere, and makes it impossible for the corp to guess if they have a window. Of course, I'd up the Self-modifying Code to 3 copies, maybe taking out Net Celebrity and 1 or 2 Same Old Thing to put in Cerberus "Lady" H1 and Clone Chip for Shaper Shenanigans. Also consider Professional Contacts or The Baby for click compression. A very interesting deck overall. :) Comet really opens a lot of new ways to play shaper.

25 Jul 2015 drmastodon

I think I may swap a Datasucker for Stimhack. I like Net Celebrity because wih Prepaid VoicePAD it's a free recurring credit on a run and a way to break currents, especially ELP. Normally, I love Professional Contacts or Symmetrical Visage but I'm not sure what 2-3 cards to cut if I want to take them. In an event heavy deck like this, I find myself using at least two, if not all of my SoTs before I Levy. If I have no events in hand and a Diesel in the heap, I can recur that and likely draw another event to instantly play. Also, I think I'm still going to pass on Cerberus "Lady" H1 and the Clone Chip. I have D4v1d and would rather stay with only one counter-based breaker, and between Test Run (with Same Old Thing to recur) and Levy AR Lab Access I haven't had much of an issue getting back trashed programs.