German Engineering - 1st Place BABW Worcester

Teemo. 25

HB Fast Advance is back! This deck went 4- 1 in swiss against a well piloted ppvp control Kate list and went 3-0 in double elim. The idea is to create a remote as quickly as possible and throw upgrades and assets in early (or even agendas) to bait runs and drain the runners resources. Use the remote to fast advance, draining more and more resources from the runner (both clicks and money). Breaks in the pressure from the runner should be used to score out agendas by just installing them in the remote, even without fast advancing. Aim to have 1 or 2 unrezzed assets on the table against criminal to combat siphon pressure and drain your money before having it drip back.

MVP of the day has to be the Pet Project. Allowed for multiple sansans to be on the table even after trashing, as well as recurring trashed ice against noise without using up jacksons. Gave me the win in one game as it pulled an agenda and two ice back from archives that my opponent thought was a sansan.

7 Sep 2015 evilgaz

Needs moar Spiderwebz