Banking on Urtica

cat 15

Mitosis + Business As Usual 2 urticas and make the runner very anxious. Then if they don't flatline from overconfidence (they couldn't possibly both be traps, right?), spam Trick of Light, Seamless Launch, that room from stranger things, and Holographic Guy until you score a 5/4 installed overnight behind your snek <3 and 1-2 unrezzed ouchie plants. If they hit the plants, they die to fujii (unless they are using jinteki hate), and if they don't run, you get a bazillion (rounded up) agenda points and have your pain left unrezzed to do it again!

You can also score out by installing the 2/1s and pretending they're boring assets like spin or whatever, then Seamlessly Launch them into 2/2s! There's a decent amount of archives support in this deck so it won't always be a blank agenda either, unlike the three 5/2s.

Issuaq is such a fun trap ID and I'm so glad it got some strong support in RWR. This list probably isn't perfect but it balances a bit of jank with some actually good cards, which makes it very satisfying to play.