[Gateway+Update] Built to Occasionally Rush

Algebraic 909

I'm teaching some new players Netrunner and we are using System Gateway and System Update 21 as a stepping stone before arriving at the Startup format. The leap up to Startup is intimidating, let alone the jump from Startup to Standard! To help in this leap, here are some notes on how to play and build decks in a relatively restricted card pool.

The idea behind this deck is to score agendas as quickly as possible using two approaches known as Rush and Fast Advance. To being with, we aim to rush agenda scores quickly. A lot of the ICE are included for their End the Run subroutine: Ice Wall, Hortum and Ballista covering the three main subtypes of ICE. The idea is to quickly create a small remote with 1 or 2 pieces of ICE and to score agendas early, challenging the runner to find the correct breaker to get into the remote rather than aiming to tax their credits out in the long run. The ID ability and the agendas, like Oaktown Renovation, makes it profitable just to test the waters.

The second part of the plan is to score the final points using Fast Advance. Here the aim is to score agendas directly from HQ without having to leave them in a remote on the runner's turn. Later in the game, the runner should have all their breakers and a remote isn't going to be taxing enough to win. Hostile Takeover can always be done like this by install, advance, advance, score although you have to be wary of Clot preventing this. The way to score the 2 point agendas (Project Atlas and Above the Law) is using Trick of Light; install, advance, Trick of Light, score in a single turn. To prepare Trick of Light, a lot of the ICE in the deck is advanceable and acts as your battery. There are only two copies of this card in your deck so it is useful to either use Malapert Data Vault or 4-advance at Project Atlas to get Trick of Light into hand ready.