Big Brother is Always Watching

DrunkenGineer 855

Hello, Citizen! Welcome to gorgeous SanSan City, where we bring you all the vid that's fit to view, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From Breaking News to our top-ranked AstroScript Pilot Programs, there's always something on your vidscreen for you to enjoy. Don't get tripped up by those Pop-up Windows!

Sweeps Week is coming up, so we've enlisted the help of our good friend Jackson Howard to guide you through our treasure trove of shows, from sensies to threedee. Joining the you on your journey into the world of NBN are two of Mr. Howard's best friends, Data Hound and his pal Data Raven.

We've been performing plenty of Market Research in order to provide you with all the Targeted Marketing that you didn't even know you wanted. From coverage of the latest Jinteki Corporation Celebrity Gifts to broadcasts of Haas-Bioroid's hot new Eve Campaigns, you might even say it's TMI! To keep yourself from Information Overload, we recommend taking the occasional break from our televised programming. May we suggest streaming some music off your PAD?

Citizen, underworldly types often Snoop around NBN's network and bring back their own brand of news. They claim that we're guilty of Invasions of Privacy. They compare us to figments of fiction and their imaginations, calling us "Big Brother". NBN refuses to stand idly by while these troublemakers spread their false accusations and attempt to commit Character Assassination against our wonderful organization. We urge you not to blindly believe everything you see or hear.

NBN is proud to provide you with all of your modern-day media needs. Our sophisticated software algorithms ensure that you're always watching the content that's right for you, and our extensive network infrastructure gets you that content faster than ever before. It's a great time to be alive, and we're so happy that you can benefit from our unparalleled expertise in media, user-friendliness, and more.

And remember, when it comes to NBN, someone is always watching.

This is totally a joke deck. The writeup was pretty fun, and playing the deck probably would be too.