Prisoner's Dilemma (core 2 post rotation)

Enchart 18

Like one of my opponents said after seeing what I trashed and installed during a game: "That's a lot of asset spam hate".

So this deck has still too many cards but testing deck has been quite fun. Strangely I games that I've won have been against non-asset-spam-decks but games against asset-spam have mostly been long and super-fun/tight.

There are two keys in play: bad publicity with Itinerant Protesters and asset trashing with Gravedigger. D4v1d has proven to be a effective trick in the sleeve. Couple of times I've pulled MemStrips + Astrolabe Overmind combo into play. With DejaVu gone Retrieval Runs have served their purpose.

Mining Accidents are good cards to have in beginning hand. Otherwise this is an Anarch style use-what-you-get deck.

If the proclaimed ban / restriction list takes a hold I must change my econ without Bloo Moose which is crazygood. Otherwise I would want some feedback on what to remove or how to change econ engine.

PS I love Making an Entrance

22 Sep 2017 EmJayBee83

Just curious as to the choice of Paricia over additional Scrubber--install cost, The All-Seeing I protection?

22 Sep 2017 Corbec

Why Astrolabe when you can use Vigil, it seems enough "draw" with Inject and Making an Entrance and with your Current and Bad Pub spam your are going to draw

23 Sep 2017 Enchart

@EmJayBee83 They are the two reasons. Install cost and tag-protection. I've been working on banlist version of this where I removed Scrubber from the deck.

@CorbecGood point on the Vigil. Thanks. I had completely forgotten it's synegy with Val and Protesters. Now I just have to figure what to do with extra influence

23 Sep 2017 Enchart <- here is banlist version of the deck. Eight too many cards in that one also