[SG+SU21] Taxing Reality

PreNic 343

This deck is only based on System Gateway and System Update 2021. I would suggest to play this after practicing a little bit with the Starter Deck.

A few notes about the deck:

  1. The strategy of the deck is to tax the runner with ices and tags, creating opportunities to score an agenda. Most of the time you should install an agenda without advancing it, forcing the runner to enter your remote if they want to check it and trying to tax them in the process: if they don't do so, you will score next turn. Once you will have a rezzed SanSan City Grid, you will also be able to score a 3/2 in a single turn.

  2. Your economy is built around Hedge Fund, Predictive Planogram, Regolith Mining License plus the scoring of Offworld Office. If you are not in a hurry to get credits, you could keep Predictive Planogram in hand and play it when the runner is tagged. In addition to that, your ID will give you 2 or 2 cards every time the runner is tagged (most of the time I pick the 2).

  3. You have 8 cheap ices that can "End the run" (Palisade, Enigmaand Ping). During the first turns, you can try to score a 3/2 agenda behind one of those ice, before the runner will have the tools to break them. Just be aware of Inside Job and Botulus ;)

  4. Ping and Funhouse are easy ways to trigger your ID's ability. If the runner decides to ignore the tags (or go "tag me" as they say), you can take advantage of that with Psychographics. Tollbooth is always taxing the runner at least 3 on encounter: one on R&D could make Conduit quite sad. Ansel 1.0 is here for the surprise effect, in case the runner tries to make a run without a killer. If that happens, you could target one of their breakers with the first sub. <3

  5. A rezzed SanSan City Grid will allow you to score a Project Beale or a Tomorrow's Headline in one turn. In addition to that, you can install Offworld Office without advancing and then A/A/A/score in the next turn, forcing the runner to check if the installed card is an agenda or not.

  6. Seamless Launch allows you to install Offworld Office without advancing it to Seamless/A/A/score in the next turn. It will also help with scoring a Send a Message: if you install a Send a Message in a server with SanSan City Grid, you can install in one turn and then Seamless/A/A/score in the next turn.

  7. Reversed Accounts can be installed without advancing it to bluff an agenda. If the runner does not check it, you can A/A and use it in the next turn and make them lose 8. You can even use a Seamless Launch on it if you think it will badly hit the runner.

  8. Manegarm Skunkworks will additionally tax the runner in case they want to check a face-down installed card in our remote. It will also make trashing a SanSan City Grid in our scoring remote even more expensive.

  9. Spin Doctor is here mainly to reshuffles agendas in the deck if you have too many of them in hand and/or to reshuffle the economy or the scoring tools like Seamless Launch and SanSan City Grid. Plus, drawing two cards feels good.

Mulligan: look for Hedge Fund, Predictive Planogram and/or Regolith Mining License; you should avoid a hand with two agendas unless you also have a Spin Doctor