Titan Maid Service

Handsome Jack 1635

Awoooooooo! Guess what guys, you get to use the best ICE in the game! News Hound is the most wonderful, most cuddly piece of ICE there is. Just enable it with either Housekeeping or Paywall Implementation, then score/murder at your leisure!

Titan Maid Service: Cleaning up the Virtual Mess!

3 Sep 2016 HolyMackerel

Question: why do you run Hard-Hitting News rather than SEA Source? You only aim to Scorch, and you give the runner a chance to clear your tags if you HHN them.

3 Sep 2016 HolyMackerel

Also, Oaktown Renovation is the best thing since fizzy gummy bears. You should have more of them, and less 3/5s.

3 Sep 2016 Handsome Jack

I haven't really tested out this deck, I just made it as a little fun project. I expect it to be terrible, but possibly playable. Thanks for the suggestions though, might try them out!