Nasir ICE Destruction (CJFM Variant)

CJFM 2270

A derivative of cspieker's Nasir Wyrm Ice destruction deck which recently went 5-0 at a Tacoma tournament. He has a Grimoire version on netrunnerdb but that isn't quite the version he went 5-0 with (it had toolbox). Grimoire now gives me all sorts of interesting ideas for Nasir.

UPDATE 12/7/14 - Just took this deck to a tournament and went 2-3 with it, beating Foundry and NEH, losing to Foundry, Blue Sun, and NEXT Rush. The lost Foundry game was a toss-up and went long (against the 2nd place player) - final score was 7 to 5 on him topdecking the final agenda while having 2 Daily Business Shows out. That card is nuts. I got double-Scorched in the Blue Sun game (against the player who would win the tournament) because I couldn't find my plascretes. The NEXT Rush deck was odd, specifically teched against my deck with over 2/3rds of its ice at about 1 credit rez cost, making it difficult to get set up. I misplayed in the NEXT Rush game that could've greatly affected the outcome, and my opponent was pretty gutsy to put a Vitruvius in a server I could easily get into (I didn't run it... sigh).

This deck feels competitive, and it feels like REAL netrunner, requiring you to make calculated moves that pay off in the long-term. I love this deck. The ALL-STARS were: Mimic, Inti, Dyson Mem Chip, R&D Interface, Parasite, Imp, and Ghost Runner.

Some explanation of these MVPs: Cspieker's deck doesn't run any other source of memory besides 2 The Toolbox. The rig is very tight because of this, and you have to trash a few of your programs until you get Toolbox. The addition of Dyson was a strong choice because Nasir wants both memory and link. Drawing a Dyson Mem Chip early allows you to not worry so much about Caduceus and Ash. Having a total of 4 link is very strong against Ash, possibly the hardest card for Nasir to deal with.

Everyone and their dog was playing The Architect and Mimic just shut that shit down fast. Not once in any of my games did it fire. ZU was also notable against NEXT Bronzes and let me get through Pop-Ups when I had Toolbox out (which happened nearly each game). Since you're basically always placing Atman at 4, you don't need to use it for Lotus Field, and Atman also then gets through Eli fairly cheaply.

Inti was tech against NEH, and it paid off. Since I ended up playing 2 Foundry and 1 NEXT, it was easily the most efficient breaker against their suite of Next Silver. I had a bit of trouble with Blue Sun, but the game only lasted about four turns before I got scorched. It wasn't a good example of how that matchup plays.

R&D Interface is the best card in the deck. Starting with Workshop and RDI, you basically just facecheck stuff until you get them exhausted and then start pillaging RND. Turn 1 RDI into run is about the strongest thing Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer can do. You almost guarantee the rez, slowing the corp down a turn. It is worth noting that when running, you want to bankrupt yourself before you start making runs, so that you leech off the corp. In some matchups this is more difficult, but it is generally a good gameplan. In other words, don't run if you can't guarantee the rez because you can get SEA Scorched.

Imp was a godsend. Against NEH and even RP, the best play is to use your recursion to keep Imp alive. Even against Weyland, pillaging their hand is a good play. I didn't get it online against Blue Sun, but that is something I should've done.

Ghost Runner is better than just a Stealth credit bank, it's run-insurance. Play these things as soon as you get them, your options and late-game open up greatly when you do. The trick, however, is to not just use them as soon as you get them as though they were normal credits. You MUST save them for NAPD, ASH, FETAL AI, SAN SAN, and sometimes DAILY BUSINESS SHOW. I would prefer to use Imp if possible, but sometimes you don't have that luxury.

Changes moving forward with the archetype. I never got to use Wyrm, and was discussing it with cspieker after the tournament. He was explaining that it's really important to have that extra backup for when Datasucker gets killed or you get purged, but I wasn't having any trouble getting in. Cutting Wyrm frees up 2 influence for something like HQ Interface or Corroder, if you're not satisfied with Inti. The deck has the right amount of cash in it, but you'll still be poor if you're running aggressively. Going up to 3 R&D Interface is probably the right choice, but the question is "What do you cut?" Maybe you just play 46 cards or take out the Quality Time.

8 Dec 2014 CJFM

My Corp (NEH) went 4-1, and carried me to third place, overall. But Nasir had a good night.

8 Dec 2014 cspieker

I was thinking after our conversation, and you may be right about not needing Wyrm in your deck. In mine, killing ICE basically is all that I do, but your deck is much more devoted to a breaker suite, and breaking ICE. So maybe you would not be shutdown by a virus purge.

That said, big ICE could be a problem for your breaker suite, at least the second time through. The power of Wyrm Nasir is that you can use the credits from the rez of big ICE to kill them dead, usually whether you have any sucker tokens or not.

8 Dec 2014 cspieker

I like the idea of adding an HQ interface. I really miss HQ multi-access in my deck.

9 Dec 2014 CJFM

@cspieker I've been thinking about this for a long time, and if I take out Wyrm, I don't know if I have a great answer to huge ICE other than prioritizing Datasuckers (x2 if possible) and getting Femme on the Shop pretty early.