Vanity and Greed

amavric 2310

I've been playing Titan, specifically rush based Titan decks, for a long time now. Like most rush decks, I generally find myself hitting something I refer to as the 6-point problem: if you can't close the game off fast enough, scoring 7 agenda points becomes impossible. I only run low to mid-range ice, with no defensive upgrades, no traps, and as long as the runner has a strong economy or an installed Plascrete, their apartment block is going to stay safe (I have recently given up on Midseasons due to the popularity of Film Critic). Either win really fast, or not at all.

And then Vanity Project was released. A six-advancement agenda, albeit with no ability. That's a lot of advancing to be done, let alone turns it has to stay protected in a server. If only there was a way to fast advance it...


Rush to 3 points. And I mean rush. Score that Hostile Takeover. Fast Track a Project Atlas and score it behind one or two pieces of ice. Great. You're just about done. With the free Atlas token (if you can get two, even better), you're on your way to build your game winning combo. Please choose one:


Assemble the four combo pieces: Jackson Howard, Accelerated Diagnostics, Power Shutdown, and Vanity Project. Remember, we're playing Titan, so with the free Atlas token, you only need 3 of these pieces. Jackson Howard is also very good at helping you find all that other stuff.

Just put Jackson in a server, and make sure he stays there until the beginning of your next turn. Runners won't run through two pieces of ice to trash a Jackson, especially against Weyland with an Atlas token. It's also important you don't have any Shipment from SanSan's in your HQ.

Now, using an Accelerated Diagnostics/Power Shutdown combo, win the game by triple Shipmenting a Vanity Project. Elegance.


Similar to above, but Accelerated/Shutdown combo into a SEA Source double Scorched Earth. If the runner is smugly floating tags in the safety of their blast-proof plastic armour, go for the flashier triple Scorched play.

This deck can usually win before turn 7. It's nuts.


Cyberdex Virus Suite - this stops Clot. Important for COMBO ONE.

Fast Track - you can score an Atlas on turn two. Fast Track it, put it behind an Enigma or an Ice Wall (this is a bit ambitious against Criminals). Sure R&D might be open, but with 8 agendas left in the deck, it's not the end of the world.

Shipment from SanSan - Obviously necessary for COMBO ONE, but awesome in its own right. Not only will it allow you score a Hostile Takeover against an SMC'd Clot, but also let's you score Agendas super early game. Did that rezzed Enigma protecting your Atlas in the previous paragraph take you down to 2 credit. No problem. Ship it. Getting 7 credits off of a Hostile is cool too.

Wraparound - Importing barriers in Weyland seems silly, but f*** Faust.

The Sentries - Rezzing ice early game for almost no money is awesome. Caduceus does begin to fall apart a bit after the bad publicity, but is awesome as a free rez. I'm a big fan of Shadow. Runners always facecheck Weyland ice first turn. You rez Shadow for one credit, and let the runner lose 2 credits and a click shaking that tag. You need the early tempo. Heaven forbid they run it last click.

High-Risk Investment - this can be used as a substitute for Vanity Project in COMBO ONE if you score two Hostiles. I would replace this card with Global Food Initiative, when that comes out.

So, to reiterate:

  • Rush to three points
  • Ice centrals while drawing 3 or 4 combo cards
  • Win

And remember, you're playing Weyland. If the runner ever overextends, set their apartment complex on fire. It's just business.

This deck took first place in a GNK, even through the Noise-fever we've been experiencing out here in Montreal (Noise destroys the combos; just make sure there are no Clone Chips or Street Peddlers on the board). Games never lasted longer than 15 minutes.

And to think the Weyland Consortium was just trying to make a movie this whole time.

4 Sep 2015 mastergamer

"Assemble the four combo pieces", three of which are only 2-ofs in a 49 card deck. I can't see on paper how this works so quickly, will have to try it out to see.

4 Sep 2015 amavric

It's really not as bad as it sounds. With the Atlas token you will inevitably have, you only need 3 of the pieces in hand (or only 2 if you can pre-advance that Project Atlas). Using your now useless scoring server to protect a Jackson ensures he stays around and helps you draw the rest of what you need. Fast Track and Archived Memories are also effective tutors, and great at helping you assemble the combos.

4 Sep 2015 Shannon.L

I know this is going to seem odd.... but why the Green Level Clearance as opposed to, say, Tech Startup to help ensure that Jackson, or... really...a bump to any of the necessary 2-ofs to a 3-of

4 Sep 2015 Shannon.L

... for instance, Rework might have a home here. Holding one of the Shipments? Rework it back before diving into the combo..

4 Sep 2015 amavric

@Shannon.L Green Level Clearance was the last minute use of one free influence when I had to take out the non street legal Global Food Initiative. It's great for early game money and helps find that early Atlas or Fast Track.

That being said, I like your suggestion. I'd consider an Executive Boot Camp over Tech Startup though, as it is harder to trash in R&D, and does have some other edge cases of utility (disrupting Indexing, Blackmail, etc.).

In terms of Rework, I just generally overdraw and discard the Shipments. If I'm worried about drawing Shipments, I think I'd rather use the one influence on a Daily Business Show, which would have the same effect as well as helping me dig up important cards.

5 Sep 2015 turkishvancat

How did this deck do against people who knew what they were up against? If I knew that this was what I was playing against, I would aggressively run and trash jacksons to keep the combo from ever going off. Once the runner has remotes locked down, there's no way to score other than through the combo. Did you ever find this to be a problem? I'd like to try a similar deck, but I'm thinking of finding room for a Biotic/Subliminal and some Interns so that the following becomes possible:

  1. Install Jackson
  2. Power Shutdown
  3. AD -> Interns Jackson, Interns Vanity Fair, Biotic/Subliminal
  4. AD -> 3x Shipment from Sansan

Biotic has the added advantage that it may let you FA an Atlas and gives you a 5th click for the combo if you need to install a Virus Suite.

7 Jan 2016 ody

i like have 2x Interns in deck as free tutor for Vanity Project or SEA Source ... sadly this mean jackson need survive 1 turn on board .. power shutdown

jackson : /Interns for new jackson/ Interns for Vanity Project or just SEA Source/ Archived Memoriesfor new Accelerated Diagnostics Accelerated Diagnostics

jackson : /3xShipment from SanSan or Scorched Earth Accelerated Diagnostics

7 Jan 2016 ody

broken combo for 3 credits ,instaled jackson. and whit atlas conter only 1 power shutdown or 1 Accelerated Diagnostics in hand power shutdown

jackson : /Interns for new jackson/ Interns for Vanity Project/ Reclamation Order for 2 Accelerated Diagnostics Accelerated Diagnostics

jackson : /Interns for new jackson/ Interns for Cyberdex Virus Suite/ Subliminal Messaging for free click Accelerated Diagnostics

jackson : /3xShipment from SanSan

4.bonus click Accelerated Diagnostics

Cyberdex Virus Suite


is this by the rules ?