Timely Holo Pool 2.0 (3-0 @ GNK)

Encoded != Encrypted 153

This is the evolution of my Timely Holo Pool deck that went 4-0 at Western Canadian Nationals 2024. See that deck description for details about the scoring patterns.

These were the changes and why I made them:

+1 Project Yagi-Uda -1 Bacterial Programming

Suggested by @Spiph, this adds another agenda you can fast advance. This was the right call. While you sometimes can fast advance a Bacterial Programming for a surprise close to the game, the consistency of having another 3-2 has proven more useful.

+1 Crisium Grid and Seamless Launch, -1 The Holo Man and Charlotte Caçador

While this deck was undefeated in Nationals, the games I've lost outside of that tournament are usually because of Deep Dive or Finality. Because of that, I wanted to include a copy of Crisium Grid to help defend against those. In this tournament, it saved me from The Maker's Eye.

To free up influence for Crisium Grid, I decided to drop a Holo Man in favour of Seamless Launch. This helps in the late game if you can't defend The Holo Man and have a scored Timely Public Release, allowing you to score another one from hand.

As for Charlotte, she's just not that great in this deck. Still worth a single slot because there isn't another great temporary economy / draw asset or upgrade, but it's definitely slower when you have no tricks to advance her and you have to trash her to score with the Moon Pool fast advance trick.

+1 Thimblerig and Lotus Field, -2 Enigma

I like Enigma over Thimblerig generally because of Aumakua. 0 strength ICE makes it much harder to try and lock them out. However, Thimblerig is really helpful for bringing strong ICE like Boto onto a central after using it on a remote that is now empty, and having it on the outside of a server with 2 ICE can stop the Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga + Boomerang combo, so I included one of them.

As for Lotus Field, that's for Arruaceiras Crew. It's nice having something that can't be destroyed, and if they put a Botulus on it, we've got a couple copies of Mavirus to keep them out on a critical run.