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CephalopodWizard 369

published by

16 Oct 2024 Baa Ram Wu

3 Yakov is pretty hot - although surprised by no NGO - Yakov is bonkers with NGO!

17 Oct 2024 CephalopodWizard

@Baa Ram Wu Yakov is so hot in this deck. You pretty much always want one, and having 3 makes it acceptable to trash one to find Tranquility, the other half of the money engine. I'll do a proper write-up later, was just claiming some spots on ABR. The 2-cost slot is a hotly contested target for Mavirus tutors, since that grabs Holo Man or Skunkworks, both of which cause winning. That makes naturally drawingc Yakov highly desirable, and extra copies are easily downcycled into productive cards.