Kate-Core + Deluxe Boxes Only

tonybluehose 290

Our Meta got into a pretty good discussion about bringing in new players. We realized we hadn't had a new player in quite some time and perhaps that has to do with the cost to pick up all the cards in one fell swoop. While some from other trading cards games might not have a problem spending a few hundred bucks, people who aren't total board/card game enthusiasts might be put off by the "start-up fee."

SO--we thought one solution might be Core + Big Boxes only events. It gives the veteran players a slightly bigger card pool to play with, but it also won't be overwhelming to a player new to ANR.

Regarding this deck:

I think it should be pretty standard fare. Not having played it (this is the first draft), it looks like it will be a bit more midrangey. I'm concerned about the econ, but also don't know what else I can do to bump that up. Any suggestions would be welcome!

23 Oct 2015 rwknoll

What perfect timing! So, I just recently bit the bullet and began buying actual cards. I was introduced to the game when SanSan Cycle was just starting, but I've only played on OCTGN since then. I just bought one Core Set and Creation & Control, and found myself very stuck and challenged while trying to make a solid deck with such a limited card pool.

Out of curiosity, how do you think you might tweak this deck if you only had access to the cards I own? For example, I can only include 2x Modded and 1x The Toolbox, which makes those cards a little less consistent. And is there a reason you included so many events and fewer hardware/programs, given Kate's ability and the lack of PPVP?

23 Oct 2015 tonybluehose

Great questions! As I was putting this together I was focused on two things with the chosen events--econ and multi-access (and to a minor extent, card draw). Even though there is no Prepaid VoicePAD, econ is necessary to get these big programs off the ground. I just realized I'm missing Corroder for my barrier breaker, so I'll either rely on Atman for that (which isn't the best idea) OR I would add Corroder and take out a Legwork.

Regarding your question for the Toolbox--it's actually not that great of a console due to the install cost, but I like the memory and recurring credits from it. I think you could go with an Akamatsu Mem Chip or two to shore up the memory needs of a deck like this. I'd rather run other memory cards (hehe, memory cards) so you see them rather than one giant console and maybe not see it over the course of the game.