Blitz Kit III

MrWeasely 79

This is a fun little tactical deck that befuddles and outmaneuvers Corporations.

The plan is to get about a dozen accesses on R&D via Maker's Eye, and round that out with runs on HQ and remotes to get to the magical 7 agenda points. Maker's Eye pressure starts on turn 1, as this opening is fairly common: Diesel, Sure Gamble, install Cyber-Cyper, Maker's Eye. There's no under-10 cost ICE in the game that can end this run, which means this run is unblockable in all but pathological cases.

Another interesting part of the deck is the economy. There are twelve events that give credits, but that's not enough to sustain the one-successful-run-per-turn tempo. Oracle May is the economic mainstay. She's chosen because you can get her out turn one and still be able to afford breaking into ICEd servers on turn two. There are so many events, she should always name "Event". The expected value of May's ability is 0.7 event cards and 1.4 credits - comparable to a Magnum Opus or Professional Contacts. She also combos with Motivation and Test Run.

The early target of the Test Run / Scavenge combo is probably Torch. Later, go get Femme Fatale for some tactical wizardry.

Other tips:

  • Cyber-Cypher is absolutely bonkers! 2 credits for a strength 4 pumpable breaker that works on the first piece of ICE it encounters every turn? That is well worth the drawback. In a pinch, Scavenge it into itself to train it on another server.

  • When you're poor and you don't have options: draw cards. Trust your deck. Your deck will always provide you tactical ways to get past anything. Remember Infiltration and Tinkering winning you games with your core set? Guess what?: they are even better in this deck.

  • overdraw to discard Torch and Femme.

  • When you don't have a multi-access event, and you're choosing between HQ and R&D to run on, default to HQ. The agenda density there is higher because they've played some non-agenda cards. Also, you have more Maker's Eyes than you have Legworks, and you would like them to prioritize HQ defense at the expense of R&D.

  • use Oracle May every turn.

  • Against Near Earth Hub: Pour on the central server pressure. You won't be able to kick over all their PAD Campaigns, but you don't have to. You're in for a fun game!

  • Tag'n'bag poses a problem. You're on a strict clock against these decks. Don't let them get 12 free cards from Jackson Howard. Don't let them overscore a Project Atlas. Don't get Sea/Scorch/Scorch'ed. Be aggressive!

  • Atman has recently replaced Omega as the AI breaker. Efficiency matters.

  • Levy AR Lab Access recently replaced a Quality Time. This deck chews through cards.