Fund the Masses

greyfield 3917

Turns out Crowdfunding + Aumakua + Datasucker is a potent combo. Who knew?

My love for Fear the Masses is well-documented at this point. This build isn’t like many of its predecessors in being full FTM combo, but rather FTM gives you reach in the lategame (especially since influence for TTW is tight). Your goal is to mill 11-15 and go take them; it’s rare that you’re using it to deck your opponent, though I’d say that’s how you get 5-10% of wins, especially vs decks playing Surveyor or Jinja City Grid.

Labor Force is already good in MaxX, and it gets silly if you can, as you should, play it the turn before your Crowdfunding draws trigger to draw the two Forces cards before MaxX mills them. It’s a frequent tool for reloading your Fears for a big strike.

Three SOTs and three Labor Forces and a Levy may seem like overkill, but in practice you rarely are disappointed to have the extra copies. Rare is the matchup where Levy is necessary, but it’s very important against Obokata decks, and it means you’re rarely choosing between saving your SOT or blowing it on a piece of silverware to reopen an Aumakua alleyway. It’s possible Knifed deserves to be included, too.

29 Nov 2018 zmb

But... Isn't clippy restricted? #sadMaxxFace

30 Nov 2018 greyfield

Yes. I’ve swapped them for Corroders and haven’t suffered.