Perpetual Fabrication

yarsiemanym 237

The idea behind this deck is to build a large rig that is able to sustain your ICE breakers on its own. In your opening hand, you must have one or more of the following: Professional Contacts, Replicator, Inside Man. If you can get those 3 cards in play (potentially multiple copies of Inside Man), then start churning out hardware. Throw ICE breakers in the heap if you need to; you can always Clone Chip them later. After about 5 or 6 turns of dedicated rig building, you should have 1 or 2 R&D Interfaces out. Start hitting R&D once every other turn or so and continue to build the rig. Even if you fell behind in agenda points early on, your rig will become unstoppable in the late game.

The beauty part of this deck is that it pays for its own installation and operation. The only times you should have to pay for something out of pocket are turn 1 and to install the hand full of programs and resources. This means that the primary resource that needs to be managed is clicks. Figuring out what you're going to need and get it installed in the fewest number of clicks possible is the key to victory. Failure to do that means the corp will score 7 points worth of agendas before you're set up enough to start hitting R&D.