Rihanna exposed

yeoda 945

I'm new to the netrunner world but I've been getting my feet wet and I really want to see if silhouette will be any good.

That being said, I'm really just looking for some feedback. I've always liked control decks (came from magic) and I think if built right, this deck could do it.

My early runs would hopefully score some points and get good tempo. I might really suffer the mid game but I'm hoping Kati jones and black guard will really get me home.

This deck is modeled more after heartthrobs blackguard of the red queen deck(shout out to him). I'm really hoping to put a lot of pressure on Hq and just keep me in their hand the whole time. I wanted to include nerve agent in here but I'm not sure what to take out. Modded seems like it would save me lots of time and money but 6 influence and 3 slots in a 40 card deck is hefty. Thoughts? I like levy at lab access... One of my favorite cards and I could replace modded and include a different card in the third slot.

The other major concern is that I only have 1 copy of each ice breaker. I was thinking of dropping special order and other events to include two of each. Alias, Breach, and passport will hopefully keep me in HQ to snipe some agendas and give me time to check what's being setup in remotes while blackguard and other ice breakers are being out out.

I'm thinking this will be a fun deck for me but I looking for suggestions and help from you pros out there. Thanks!

12 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

First of all, drop the Desperado. You can't replace consoles like you can programs, once you play one you're stuck with it (unless it gets blown up by the Corp, or you sell it to Aesop). Use the slot to get a second Kati.

These days, every corp player worth his salt is protecting HQ, and this is even more true when playing against Criminals. What I'm saying is, don't get too attached to the idea of being able to visit the HQ every turn, otherwise your deck will fall apart once they stack two Ichis there or something.

Overall looking through your deck, I'm getting the feeling that you'll be running into consistency issues. For instance, 1 of each remote-enabled breaker means you might easily find yourself missing the third Special Order. Not sure I'd bother with the Rooks, you might easily run into memory issues since you need 6 memory just to get your basic rig together (assuming you don't intend to overwrite those central-only breakers once you get their alternatives).

Those Moddeds in particular look like a weird splash - you're not running Dirty Laundry or Easy Mark, which do very similar effects without costing influence. Surely you can find better uses for 6 influence, for instance 2x Indexing. That card just flat out wins games.

12 Mar 2014 idub04

I agree you should drop the Desperado. But I think it would be beneficial to drop a Mr Li as well and use those two slots for a couple of Hostages. That way you can find whichever connection you need with that card pull.

Also, I would listen to the Indexing advice. I had a Chaos Theory deck that won with zero cards in rig with a few lucky early Indexing runs (one ICE mulligan, placed over HQ, I started with Indexing and Same Old Thing in Hand). The ability to dig deep ignoring Snare!/Shock! is extremely powerful. Bring the agendas and non-end the run ICE to the top and econ and etr ICE to the bottom.

12 Mar 2014 yeoda

I made some changes under "My decks" but it doesn't transfer here? I'm noob lol. I need to figure out how to change it here. I made a lot of changes according to both of your suggestions.

12 Mar 2014 idub04

No, you need to republish it if you want the changes to show, so far as I know. Or maybe I am still new at this too.

12 Mar 2014 yeoda

Shoot. This is what I changed:

Event (23)

2x Account Siphon 3x Emergency Shutdown 3x Forged Activation Orders 2x Hostage 3x Indexing ••••• •••• 2x Infiltration 2x Inside Job 3x Special Order 3x Sure Gamble

Hardware (4)

2x Blackguard 1x HQ Interface 1x Plascrete Carapace

Resource (5)

3x Armitage Codebusting 2x Kati Jones

Icebreaker (6)

1x Alias 1x Breach 1x Corroder •• 1x Gordian Blade ••• 1x Ninja 1x Passport Program (2)

2x Sneakdoor Beta

12 Mar 2014 Lysander

My only issue with this deck is how easily a Chris Brown deck beats it.

12 Mar 2014 Heartthrob

"My only issue with this deck is how easily a Chris Brown deck beats it."

Best comment ever haha! (Btw my Chris Brown deck floats a lot of Bad Publicity but still manages to make money stacks...)

@yeoda - some nice ideas here and thx for the shout bro! I would agree with Peek on all of his comments. Looks like you've implemented some in your edit here.

A small issue I see is the lack of expose outside of the ID ability. Once HQ shuts down your Blackguard becomes a really expensive Mem Chip. That is the same issue that Blackguard + Lemuria Codecracker has...they can shut that server down. And yes, any good corp player will shut that route down.

I do like Forged once they've rezzed all of the HQ ice. If they are broke enough you might be able to hurt R&D.

I would throw in Easy Mark over Hostage personally, just to have more burst econ to keep early pressure on.

It's lookin' good though!

12 Mar 2014 Heartthrob

Great deck name too.

13 Mar 2014 faith_star83

Did you try Snitch? You could potentially expose 2 cards or more each turn...would fit well with Silhouette and Blackguard imo.

13 Mar 2014 yeoda

Yes, I think I'll add snitch in. I'm not sure where to fit it but perhaps remove a few events to include 2 x snitch? As I put in proxies for the deck I think I can afford to drop a few events.

Thoughts on which events to take out for snitch?

13 Mar 2014 McKindling

I can't stress how powerful snitch is with blackguard. It keeps the corp poor and you can use that to prevent them from rezzing big ice on HQ.

My other immediate thought was sneakdoor x2, but it looks like you've added those to your notes. Great deck! I've been playing andromeda with blackguard and it's a lot of fun.

13 Mar 2014 McKindling

Also, since your only connection is Kati, drop the hostages and add one Kati Jones for 3x Kati. Add two snitch and you have 41 cards.

Event (21) 2x Account Siphon (Core Set) 3x Emergency Shutdown (Cyber Exodus) 3x Forged Activation Orders (Core Set) 3x Indexing (Future Proof) ••••• •••• 2x Infiltration (Core Set) 2x Inside Job (Core Set) 3x Special Order (Core Set) 3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (4) 2x Blackguard (Fear and Loathing) 1x HQ Interface (Humanity's Shadow) 1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)

Resource (6) 3x Armitage Codebusting (Core Set) 3x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)

Icebreaker (6) 1x Alias (Honor and Profit) 1x Breach (Honor and Profit) 1x Corroder (Core Set) •• 1x Gordian Blade (Core Set) ••• 1x Ninja (Core Set) 1x Passport (Honor and Profit)

Program (4) 2x Sneakdoor Beta (Core Set) 2x Snitch (Cyber Exodus)

14 influence spent (max 15)

41 cards (min 40) Cards up to Honor and Profit

13 Mar 2014 yeoda


Great suggestions. I haven't played criminal yet. I think I'm Anarch through and through but I'm getting excited for H&P.

The only real fear I have with this deck is my rig getting blown up. Since i roll only one copy of Gordian, Corroder, and Ninja, I'm afraid that if one of those goes, my chances to pressure remotes go pretty close to 0 unless I can somehow bankrupt corp.

Does anyone else have suggestions on my number of ice breakers? I mean, I really love my event cards but I don't want to suffer later when I need those icebreakers.

13 Mar 2014 Elthane

I'll second Mckindling, Hostage is for when you have multiple connections that are pieces of a steady economy the basic example is a construction like, 1x Kati 1x ProCo 2x Hostage and 3x sure gamble 3x Dirty laundry 2x easy mark. you get the best of both worlds with the steady economy coming in from ProCoing into Gambles, laundry, etc. plus the burst of Kati all while minimizing deckspace in a situation where you would normally have to have 3x kati + 3x ProCo. basically it saves you 2 deck slots...

16 Mar 2014 yeoda


Awesome. Yeah I thought I was being clever in v 2.0 but I think my 1.0 will be better.

I'll try this out and see how I like it. I'm still worried about the icebreakers being trashed (power shutdown?), or through ICE that trashes my stuff. No love for Rihanna yet but I'm determined!