Nuvem Tempo

Zarg0n 9

Nuvem Tempo

This deck's goal is to exploit the detrimental tempo of your opponent using the same set of tools.


The first viable playstyle this deck can operate is rush. Your goal is to score out quickly before the runner can make consistent fully equiped runs.

When rushing, you want to set up a guarded remote server to score agendas (and rashidas) in, and start scoring agendas at turn 2/3. Don't bother to defend anything else unless the runner has multi-access.

You can generally expect to close out the game in between 6 and 10 turns this way.

If your oponent does manage to start breaking into your remote, transition into a fast advance glacier playstyle to close out the game.

The rush playstyle of this deck generally loses to Hermes and Bypass so if you suspect your oponent is running these cards you play for glacier instead.


The glacier playstyle of this deck makes use of it's ability to hide agendas with Drudge Work and Spin Doctor, while out econ-ing your oponent and setting up infinitely scaling ice. Later, you will attempt to score out by setting up an equally impenetrable remote server.

Other Notes

This deck generally doesn't have to worry about guarding R&D unless your opponent has multi-access, as you can choose to keep non-agendas on top using Nuvem's ability.

Use Nuvems ability along with this decks range of very flexible operations and expendables to filter out cards that don't match your current playstyle while out-econing your opponent.