Lean Mean Prepaid Kate

CodeMarvelous 20027

Looking for feeback on this lean deck that doesn't use AI

3 Nov 2014 BJester

My gut feeling tells me you won't find your breaker when you really need it, the same problem the oracle may CT deck struggles with. Maybe I'm wrong as ppvp has tons of draw

3 Nov 2014 CodeMarvelous

test run scavenge is supposed to cover that

3 Nov 2014 david_annable

It's tough to imagine running without Deus X and Sharpshooter, but without the SMCs and Clone Chips, it makes sense. Same for Parasite - especially when you have Datasucker.
I could see this working but really I'm not sure about the consistency. Have you tested it much?

3 Nov 2014 CodeMarvelous

Its an idea I had driving into work this morning. Trying to find ways to beat blue sun without being quetzal

3 Nov 2014 BJester

I know it's supposed to cover it, but that's the problem. When you need it, you really need to draw/have drawn both pieces

3 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

with diesel and quality time, you'll find stuff just fine. I would recommend tinkering, so you only have to know 1 ice on a remote before test running your way in. Femme and scavenge would help, but I know the love of the big garrote. Seems like a solid build, I can get behind it.