Kitted Out

biologyinoperation 39

This deck takes advantage of Cyber-Cypher and Kit's ability to start applying pressure very quickly and very cheaply. Cyber-Cypher is less flexible than Refractor over the long term, but Cyber-Cypher doesn't depend on any other cards to be effective and is cheaper at breaking almost all early-game ice, meaning you become a threat very early.

Tinkering is a more flexible Inside Job in this deck and is fantastic for enabling unexpected runs on remotes or big multi-access runs with Maker's Eye and Legwork. If the game goes long you'll eventually get a full rig set up, but you generally want to install your other breakers only when absolutely necessary.

Most turns multiple clicks will go towards drawing cards, because most of the economy and threats are single-use or consumable. Getting a Professional Contacts out early is a tempo hit but almost always worthwhile. This deck will often end up with too many cards in hand and will discard some, and that's fine: with a clone chip out icebreakers are more useful in archives than in hand, and Levy lets you reset things if the game goes long.