Iceless Always Advance

leobetosouza 1

There's ~1 agenda for each 3 cards, almost 1-point, and no ICE. The runner will stole some of them, but no without pain.

The key here is try to always advance everything you put on the table. On the first turns try to always do you mandatory draw, install an asset/agenda, advance it and buy one credit.

Draw a Shipment from Kaguya? Install 2 cards and advance both. One of the best opening hands is 2 advancables ambushes (Junebug or Cerebral) and one Kaguya. The runner will run one and fear the rest of the game.

Kaguya, Shipment from SanSan and Mushin No Shin will help you to not spend credits. You must have always 4 credits to pay for Snare! or Cerebral. But in first opportunity gain some money because when you pay almost all you credits for one ambush the runner will run comfortable for all you remotes, R&D and HQ.

To help you, score one Profiteering (or Gila Hands as second option) to make some money. Diversified Portfolio will be great also.

Remember that badpub can be used to trash assets and pay to stolen Fetal AI, use Clone Retirement and Veterans Program to remove it asap too.

Try to keep Snares! and Shocks! on HQ for protection. Install Zabaitsu asap (against Criminals is a good idea mulling for it; if need use Mushin).

Try to score House of Knives and False Lead. And don't hesitate to forfeit False Lead to kill a runner with Neural EMPs or your id power or Ronin.

If possible, score Philotic Entanglement to kill a runner with many agendas.

Trick of Light help to recycle credits spent on traps that failed (as that Snare! that you installed with Mushin No Shin).

Use Howard to recycle operations and traps (and Agendas, of course) from Archives and to draw cards when needed.

25 Mar 2014 Nushura

What do you do against an ugly AS? When you have no money all the traps are waaaay less scary (the worst that can happen is 1 net damage then).

25 Mar 2014 Necro

A Keyhole also destroys the whole deck.

25 Mar 2014 bubo

I've played around with a no ICE Jinteki, and have yet to find a solution. In this case, I see where you are going with your Agenda mix but your Agenda density is entirely too high here. Every third card is an Agenda. Medium, Keyhole, Indexing and R&D Interface would eat this deck alive.

I've played the same advance everything strategy, but quickly learned that when the Runner doesn't need to pay to break anything, then they start spending their turns accessing everything starting with R&D. Shock and Snare in this environment is less effective due to fast realization by the Runner that they really don't need credits to run against this deck, although I'm not saying they are useless.

My latest thoughts on an ICEless deck brings Harmony Medtech to the forefront. A leaner deck and the need for fewer Agenda points fosters an environment where the traditional Runner tempo of Phase 1 and Phase 2 plays against them, forcing them to adopt a disruptive tempo instead.

For agendas, rpgdmcash's Jinteki Matchpoint Run v2 deck has shown the appeal of 5/3 through The Future Perfect and Executive Retreat in the Medtech environment. Having a 6 card Agenda density amidst a trap heavy deck makes R&D runs frustrating, and only having 5 cost Agendas makes it harder to tell what is a trap and what is an Agenda in the servers. This also opens up the use of Chairman Hiro without really benefitting the Runner (since the Runner still needs 2 Agendas in a 6 point enviroment with only 3 point Agendas). Moving to this kind of Agenda mix would make Plan B rather useless, but does open the door for some Toshiyuki Sakai shenanigans.

Chairman Hiro is an interesting card in the Medtech 6 point environment coupled with only 3 point Agendas. He will always be less efficient than scoring Agendas for the Runner, as the Runner needs two Hiros to match a single Agenda card. He costs the Runner 6 credits to trash, and more importantly he makes the Runner think long and hard about accessing a server in this ICEless environment if you rez Hiro as soon as the run starts. Hiro puts them easily in range of Ronin, and credits must be spent to deal with him before they can draw back out of Ronin range. If Hiro is rezzed after a decent Overwriter hit, then the Runner will find themselves having to play card by card with no carryover between turns and no way to survive the next trap.

In all of my ICEless testing, I've been disappointed by Zaibatsu Loyalty and Diversified Portfolio. The theory is sound, but practice just falls flat for me.

Rather than Diversified Portfolio, this deck is begging for Celebrity Gift. Your hands will be primarily Operations and Traps. Showing your hand will just frustrate the Runner and help convince them to be cautious with your servers. This deck feels like it still needs more economy even with the Celebrity Gift change, and a GRNDL Refinery would fit in well with the traps if you can wring enough influence to add it.

Mushin No Shin serves an additional purpose in this deck due to it's ability to place advancement counters on cards that normally cannot be advanced, as you noted with Snare. I would definitely have a third Mushin in this deck. Ronin is the Jinteki Scorched Earth, and if you can't spare the influence for Scorched Earth then you really need to run 2 Ronin in this deck. I would save Trick of Light either for the final Agenda score or for prepping a Ronin following a heavy Junebug/Overwriter access by the Runner.

Shipment from Kaguya and Shipment from SanSan just feel like poor use of your influence in this deck. Medtech Harmony has lower influence available, so it is probably safe to just cut these Operations.

Running ICEless is a very Jinteki style goal, but this deck still needs protection. Without ICE, that leaves Upgrades for us to use. Hokusai is your Jinteki choice here, although Strongbox, Red Herrings, Ruhr, and Ash may be better choices if you can spare the influence. Caprice Nisei seems like an excellent Jinteki choice as well, but I'm concerned about her trigger when ICE is not present. This will give you a reaction at least, although I've been thinking that a competitive ICEless will not materialize until we more offensive upgrades available.