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This is the deck I took to IQ Games Huddersfield taking 1st place:
FriendCoats - Win
Prison RP - Win
Hastey CI - Win
Prison RP - Loss
Top 4 cut, beat Prison RP twice.
Corps are being pushed to play unfair strategies which mostly fold to Strike recursion.
The original list was created by Bruno https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/40559/hqi-val-3rd-in-swiss-and-cut-aldershot-store-champ- -1 Slums, -1 Eden Shard for +1 Strike +1 Vamp.
Played it alongside CTM with Midseasons and MVTs. Turns out it's still good, even in the face of Aaron. Not going to bother posting it though, just wanted to let people know how good Bruno's list is :)
FYI for all the UK players, IQ Games in Huddersfield are ace. They put all the entry back into the prize support, I walked away with a Skaven and Dwarf Bloodbowl team for free and then some. They also organised a large food order with some local stalls AND they've installed a bunch of toilets since last year. EVERYBODY should go next year, it will be epic :)