Chess With Silverware

PizzaThiefMo 8

This deck runs a Caïssa combo. It requires a good draw and some skill, but will work great against any Corp faction. I would be wary about the movement requirements of the Caïssas. Icebreakers are crucial for an opening draw. Make sure you have credits to pay for events. Also, don't focus on the Silverware unless you have a strong Caïssa base.

15 Mar 2016 Krams

Why Cloak over Cyberfeeder? Why Motivation?

And if you go the "reduce ICE strength" route with 3 Bishop and a Yog.0, why not add a Mimic in as well? You're already running multiple The Personal Touch, so you can boost both Yog and Mimic to 4 strength, which is great.