EK breaks your shit!!

DJP 56

First attempt at Mr Kim - let me know what you think

26 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Looks really solid. Great credit econ and a full suite of highly aggressive breakers paired with ICE destruction to keep the corp stuck in the early game.

It would be nice to fiddle with influence and little and replace Spinal Modem with Comet. I think it's a better fit in a PPvP economy.

The Adjusted Chronotype + Wyldside combo is in-faction if you like it over Earthrise Hotel. Event econ really wants consistent draw in my experience.

If you find you don't need the Scrubbers, a couple Same Old Things or Déjà Vus might save you from random damage blasting away your Levy AR Lab Access.

26 Jun 2015 DJP

@FarCryFromHuman thanks for your input. Comet could work well, I could swap it with Lucky Find. That way it would make room for a couple of Same Old Thing

26 Jun 2015 HolyMackerel

How do you reset your Doggie? Seems like you'd have a huge problem with popular sentries like Archer, Architect and Komainu.

26 Jun 2015 DJP

@pang4 totally hear ya. Currently making some changes to put Déjà Vu and Same Old Thing in the deck. (2 of each). Plus I would hope that I will still have counters on Cuj.0 when I can run Forked