Cracking Genomics

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is a deck inspired by and played by my girlfriend. She built it originally as a chronos protocol deck, but we had to adapt it for tournament play since that ID is so far out. The idea is that everything is expensive to trash as you overdraw and discard. 2-3 cards is usually enough to keep the runner down.

Subliminal is your typical discard, only played if you really need dollars.

Ronin only works off mushin, or to force the runner to hit archives and flip it so they can trash ronin.

Hostile is yet another pain in the ass as you nug them for 1 after they pay a ton to trash or hit archives to trash. Hostile is great.

Red herrings - this card makes the deck shine. It can be on RnD, or 2 in a remote, making it cost 10 to steal, and whatever pile of credits to trash, and potentially some damage. You can make yourself a scoring window by sticking a 1 pointer in the remote, when the runner hits it, or hits archives to trash for cheaper, the tempo is fully in your favor to score a brain trust.

Scorch is for the off chance the runner hangs tags, or hits snare late. Lots of influence leftover so why not buy big?

Economy - Pad, Gila, hedge, subliminal are all great together, jackson recycles things, but it runs cheap, so not much is needed. With the addition of gila, the deck is now fine.

4 to trash a hokusai is already awful, add any price increase or damage, you're going to be sad.

1 off ichi 2.0 - this is a real ball buster. I recommended this, and I even forget about it. It works great as a surprise, and you can even sometimes get the runner to tag out on the last click, and take a damage! Perfect add.

The downside now is that eater and keyhole really do a number on the deck, but it is still quite fun and can do some work. Try it out!

I've considered adding docklands crackdown and psychic field, but 59 cards might be a bit much...maybe not though!

12 Feb 2015 Jashay

If you can get both Hostile Infrastructure into play and rezzed, a lot of the Eater+Keyhole decks just perish. What I found when I ran a similar deck, though, was that after a time they kind of just give up trying to trash things and concentrate on centrals.

I like the Red Herrings + Hostile Infrastructure play; very groovy.

What do you use to trigger Scorched Earth? The Snare!?

12 Feb 2015 Jashay

If you can get both Hostile Infrastructure into play and rezzed, a lot of the Eater+Keyhole decks just perish. What I found when I ran a similar deck, though, was that after a time they kind of just give up trying to trash things and concentrate on centrals.

I like the Red Herrings + Hostile Infrastructure play; very groovy.

What do you use to trigger Scorched Earth? The Snare!?

13 Feb 2015 x3r0h0ur

Basically it's just tag punishment for tag me runners, and encourages less runs, by discouraging last click runs. Sometimes you just stick a tag though.

The runner often has to choose between smoking the tag, or drawing up after a snare! They might just choose wrong...

If they choose to ignore remotes, you can often go on a scoring rampage. I have decided to add 3 medical breakthroughs though, as it adds a late game fast advance option, which is awesome.

5 Mar 2015 Cryoclasm

Can you publish actual decklist with possible Order&Chaos inclusions? Thank you.